

Why is using stain necessary?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Stains are made of chemicals with loose ends. These ends stick to loose ends on what they stain. A stain is a pigment that has to have a surface that will accept it. Meaning that if a surface is porous enough, it will be absorbed. You can stain concrete, brick, certain kinds of wood, but not all. Some wood is so dense that it will not accept any stain at all. Cedar and cypress are good examples. All stains are removeable either with a cleaner or by removing the surface area that was stained. Dyes are a different topic alltogether, as they change the color of the material they are introduced to.

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Staining is done to enhance contrast in the microscope, and make it easier to see the specimen.

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There are a variety of product that are marketed to do just this! If purchasing a product is not an option, there are of course plenty of remedies you can try using ingredients you should have right in your cupboard. Try mixing some baking soda and water in a bowl and using a towel press some of the mixture directly onto the stain. Do not soak the stain simply dampen and press. This should draw the stain from the carpet. Repeat as many times as necessary.

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