

Why is water pollution good?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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15y ago

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Water Pollution is NOT GOOD! It could be, ina way, that we clean our cities and stay alert at the fact that the water is polluted. But overall, it's definately(sp?) NOT GOOD!

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15y ago
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Q: Why is water pollution good?
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Is water pollution good?

No it is not. It harms the environment and kills marine life. If you think water pollution is good, it's not.

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Pollution is all around people , and effects the air , and water.

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There are not two sides in the water pollution issue. By definition polluted water is water which is impaired for use. The "pollution is good" side on argument would then be reasons why it is good to ruin something valuable - it's hard to divine what these might be.

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this is a joke right?

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Resource pollution means contaminating a given resource. Contamination of water can be considered as a good example of resource pollution.

What is good about water pollution?

if you do marine dumping you get rid of trash

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certain things on the pavement such as oil and other objects will run in to water sources and they arent good for the water causing pollution

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pollution leaks out into the water and makes water pollution

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Why is it important to prevent water?

Water Pollution isnt very sanitary and dirty water doesnt taste good.

What a water pollution?

Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water.