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Q: Why is water used to make an elodea leaf wet mount?
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What would happen to the cells of an elodea leaf when placed in salt water?

it would make a fart noise and die ha ha

Why would an oak leaf not make a good specimen for a wet mount?

An oak leaf would not make a good specimen for a wet mount because it contains a lot of water. The leaf is best observed under a dry mount.

Does elodea make its own food?


How much water makes water?

the same mount of water you use to make the water

What happens when green leaf is boiled in water?

it will make holes

Why do you need to add elodea to a snail aquarium?

Elodea grows quickly which means it can use lots of nitrates in the water. Nitrates are the main reason why you need to change your aquarium water from time to time. Once they have grown to a good size you just take them (and the nitrates) out of the tank. Elodea is illegal to own in some places (like NSW, Australia) because it's fast growth make it a weed in natural waterways.

How can you temporarily give your fish oxygen?

You can either put water plants in the water or buy those artificial oxygen balls put preferably get a water plant like elodea moss that would make great plants

What is the microscopic structures make up organisms such as Elodea?

The 3 characteristics can be seen in elodea microscopically are cell wall, large central vacuole and chloroplasts. When looking under a microscope at elodea you can see the basic structure of plant cells.

Why would a large sprig of Elodea and a snail sealed in a tank survive for several weeks on a sunny window sill?

Yes, a large sprig of Elodea and a snail sealed in a tank will survive for several weeks on a sunny window sill. Just make there is plenty of water and food for the snail.

Why don't you have to stain the elodea leaf cell?

The reason for this is that many cells have organelles that are very hard to see under a microscope, staining these cells allows you to more easily see these organelles. In the case of an Elodea, the invisble organelles is the central vacuole.

What two things are taken in by the leaf?

water and food wouldn't it be water and sunlight to make food ? AKA Photosynthesis

How do leaf cells obtain their water supply?

the roots make the water flow up from the ground through the xylem.