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Because it contains many nutrients, I would think

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Q: Why is wheat germ a good source of DNA?
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What does alcohol do to wheat germ?

It allows DNA to extract from the wheat germ.

Where is DNA located in a wheat germ?

The Wheat Germ's cell's nucleus.

Why use raw wheat germ and not toasted wheat germ for a DNA extration procedure?

The toasting or any heat is going to break down the DNA I would think.

Why doesn't toasted wheat germ work for DNA extraction?


Why is it difficult to extract DNA from a cell fat tissue?

DNA isn't as easily freed from the cells with addition to dish detergent as it would be in wheat germ.

Which cell part must be destroyed in order to release DNA from wheat germ cells?

The nuclear membrane needs to be destroyed in order to reach the cell's DNA.

What household item represents chromatin?

Wheat germ contains DNA. You can extract it by using clear detergent and rubbing alcohal.

Is wheat pollard not for human consumption when in fact it is from wheat like wheat bran?

Germ is actually short for germination. Referring to the way plants reproduce. The germ is the zygote of the plant. It's where all the DNA instructions is held in the plant. The germ has the most nutrients, it is a small piece at the bottom of the grain. The bran is the thin layer surrounding the endosperm. The endosperm is the part that you eat when you eat white bread or rice. The bran a thin shell, the germ is a separate part at the bottom of the grain piece. The bran has most of the fiber, the germ has alot of the nutrients. The endosperm is the part of the grain which is starch.

Are redblood cells a good source of DNA?


Why we can not extract DNA from RBCs?

We can not extract DNA from RBCs as they are without nucleus. only the source of DNA extraction is Leukocytes, RBCs are not good source of extraction but we can extract DNA from immature RBCs.

How is DNA different between somatic and germ cells?

in germ cells, the DNA(Deinoribo Nucliec Acid) is more of a circular most other organisms, the DNA is in the familier double helix structure

Was the Germ theory bigger than the discovery of DNA?

Up until now germ theory has been bigger however in the future DNA will be used to cure diseases before hand you dunoe