

Why is wind sustainable?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Why is wind sustainable?
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What makes wind turbines sustainable?

Wind Turbines are sustainable that is the biological straight forward answer.

Is the wind source sustainable?

Yes, the wind will always blow.

How is wind sustainable?

i dont know sorry.

How is wind power sustainable?

i dont know sorry.

Is wind power sustainable?

i dont know sorry.

What sustainable energy?

As sustain means to keep going sustainable energy comes from wind,and tidal power for example

Creating alternate energy sources based n renewable natural resources like wind or solar power is one way of making a community?


What type of things are sustainable besides energy?

solar energy

What is a sustainable energy source?

sustainable energy is the kind of energy that will never run out. example: solar energy, wind energy,etc.

Is wind energy source sustainable?

Yes, it is. Because you use windmills. The wind will never stop blowing everywhere.

What is a sustainable resource?

A sustainable resource is a resource that is used up at the same speed that it is renewed. Wood can be a sustainable resource if the trees are harvested at the same rate as new trees mature. Wind is a sustainable resource as the wind is not "used" up. Solar and hydroelectric power can be considered sustainable. Oil, natural gas, minerals taken from the earth do not regenerate and are non-sustainable. Fish stocks can be renewed and can be used in a sustainable fashion but are presently being used at a greater rate than they are being renewed and are considered non-sustainable.

What is ALJ contribution towards sustainable energy?

It has many ongoing projects in this field in connection with solar, wind, hydro and other forms of sustainable energy.