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Q: Why is word processing so important?
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Why word processing is important?

Word formation is important becose it usud to produse new words in particular language.

Why is Microsoft Word important to the companies?

It has a range of applications that the typical workplace requires, such as word processing software or spreadsheets. Any workplace can make use of these. There are other companies that produce these kinds of programs, but Microsoft are the biggest, so you will find Microsoft Office in most workplaces.

Is paragraph belong to word processing?

Creating paragraph is a part of typing so yes, it belongs to word processing.

Important of word processing ta a work place?

It is important to know what word processing is because it's more efficient than writing by hand, you can correct it with no problem and you can make multiple copies if needed. Without Word Processing, Things would be more difficult for everyone in a company. I hope this information helps.

What file extension should be used in word processing software so the file is compatible with most word processing programs and versions?


Why is the width of the data bus so important to the processing speed of the Computer?

processing speed of the computer will be increased when the data bus is wider

What is the reletionship between word processor and word processing?

You use a word processor to do word processing. Word processors are pieces of software. Word processing is an activity that someone does.

What is used to create edit formate and print documents?

word processing software.

Can spreadsheets have margins?

Yes. When spreadsheets have to be printed, margins are important, in the same way as they are on word processing documents.

What is the definition of word processing package?

what is the definition of word-processing package

What are the important purposes of Microsoft Word?

MS Word is a text processing software. It is important to you if you want to write a report, term paper, book or an article. Nevertheless it has alternatives such as and others.

What is document processing from a word-processing perspective?

From the word-processing perspective, in its simplest form the term document processing means the production of paperwork.