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Q: Why is world war 1 an unjust imperialist war of plunder?
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In World War Two Pearl Harbor was attacked by imperialist japan

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Before World War I, Germany clashed with both Great Britian and France over conflicting imperialist ambitions in Africa.

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Lenin believed World War 1 was an imperialist struggle, by which he meant a capitalist struggle. His opinion of imperialism was that it was capitalism at its highest order. He also urged people to turn the imperialist war into civil war in order to take down the Tsarist government and institute a socialist one.

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-Imperialist nations were interested in competing for influence without going to war.

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Who does trotsky blame for starting World War 2?

He blames all countries and their imperialist intentions. Not Hitler, like everyone else.

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He blames all countries and their imperialist intentions. Not Hitler, like everyone else.

How was World War 1 an imperialist war?

All of the major European combatants held imperial colonies in all parts of he world and were able to draw troops from there as well as threaten enemy colonies, so that the war took on a truly international scope.

What is the meaning of plunder?

of Plunder

What does ravage and plunder mean?

Ravage means to cause severe and extensive damage while plunder means to steal goods by force. Both words are often associated with acts of destruction and theft during times of conflict or war.

Why do some historians call World War 2 the war over the Treaty of Versailles?

Probably because Hitler rose to power because of the unjust nature of the Treaty of Versailles.