

Best Answer wants to? You need to train the dog to not do that.

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because its stoupid

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Q: Why is your 9 year old Pomeranian pooping on the floor in the morning?
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In what year was the Pomeranian recognized by the AKC?

The Pomeranian was recognized by the AKC in 1888.

Are pomeranian dogs cute?

In my opinion they are SOOO cute! i LOVE Pomeranian dogs. I have got a 2 month year old Pomeranian and she is really cute. :)

How much do you feed your one year old Pomeranian?

Give one third of a cup in the morning and one third of a cup in the afternoon, and give him or her treats throughout the day.

Can you get a pomeranian with a three year old?

Pomeranian dogs make sweet and loving pets... they are rarely ever aggressive to humans of any age. A Pomeranian would be perfectly fine with a three year old.

Why is a 3 year old Shitzu pooping in the house and he is now pooping on the furniture?

because he isn't toilet trained properly

How can you get your 14 year old Pekingese dog to stop urinating and pooping on the floor?

He might be incontinent. You might have to get a diaper for him, as he can't control his bowel movements. I have a 12 year old Gordon Setter that I purchased a diaper for. These things come with age, dear.

How many people get killed by pooping each year?


Is a pomeranian a good dog for a twelve year old?

Im 12 and I hav a pomeranian and yes they are amazing pets for 12 year olds! They love to be brushed and are very social. I take mine to shows and agility and he does extremely well!

What is wrong with your 1 year old who is pooping very runny?

obviously they have diarhea

How does long it take for a Pomeranian to reach full size?

It takes a Pomeranian about a year to reach full 12 months of age. The are however fully developed several months before this.

How did clayton die?

he died by choking on a banana while pooping on a four year old potty.

Can you breed a ten year old female pomeranian?

If she stopped her period or got nuetered then no but, if none of that then yes.