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I don't really have an answer, just experience with my own cats. Sometimes if one is sick and dying, she would move it to the side or outsid the box. I have one that deliveed a kitten into my hand, licked up and then sat on it and bite the hell out of my when I tried to move her. I have some mothers totally abandon their kittens and think it is weird they are around. Normally when the kittens are older the Moms will kinda isolate and try to run off the male kittens. I watched nature programs about lions, tigers,etc and they do the same thing with their young as domestic cats do so I don't really know what and why they do that. Maybe this will help. Answer I'm not professional and I haven't seen any cat delivering kittens. But I heard, although it does depend on the mother's personality, it's the natural instinct for mother to separate kittens. The mother will go through the kittens and pick the healthy ones to keep and other ones to abandon, because there's only limited milk supply. Even if the mother's being fed well at home, she'll simulate this behavior of survival of the fittest. Some mother cats linger longer than some others do to protect their kittens (and some would just simply abandon them), then chase them off when they're old enough. I've also heard it's also because they can be rivals in mating season as well. Cats can get pregnant and become mommy after about a year and couple months, I hear... So I guess mommy can't doesn't quite take care of kittens longer than couple months usually.

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12y ago

I am a veterinarian, BTW. Moms move their kittens because they don't feel the kittens are safe where they are. It may be the brood is being disturbed by nosey humans or animals, it may too cold or hot, the nest may be infested with fleas. Mother knows best, don't interfere unless you feel she is making a bad decision - like the dryer.

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14y ago

so that they would not hurt there sibling.

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12y ago

This could be signs of neglect in the mother cat, if something has happened to her to change her personality in any way it could be a sigh of neglect.

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What do kittens do when they are alone?

when kittens are very young they sleep when they are alone. once they get older they will find some way to entertain themself.if you leave out a cat toy they will mostlikely play with it and then sleep.

Your cat is not attentive to her kittens is this normal?

it is perfectly normal. usually what happens is that she leaves the kittens alone so she can provide them whatever they need.

How can you help mother cat with too many kittens?

Leave it alone soon they will get the picture I have had several cats/kittens so I have been through this many times. Sometimes you can bottle cat milk, but most likely the cat will have to put up with it until the kittens are ready.

Where is most likely place a feral cat will have kittens?

Probably outside, somewhere she wants to be alone and away from everybody.

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My client witnesses a hermaphrodite cat have kittens, it looks mostly male from the outside but delivered kittens.

A cat with two kittens are sleeping or A cat with two kittens is sleeping.?

'with two kittens' describe the cat. So, you should write 'is sleeping'. But if you mean that all three of them are sleeping, write 'A cat and his two kittens are sleeping'.

what is this kittens?

kittens is little cat(s)

Your older cat dont get along with your new kitten?

make sure you give your older cat plenty of alone time without the kittens -with you. your older cat may be feeling replaced with a newer version of herself. I had a Siamese who would hide under my bed until i locked the kittens out of my room for the night.

How can you make your cat on harvest moon DS have kittens?

Your cat can not have kittens. There is no way to make that happen.

Can your cat have kittens with your dog?

No, cats and dogs are different species and cannot successfully interbreed.

What is the kittens a cat can have?

normal is usually 3-4. sometimes they can mature faster and have a faster birth rate causing them to have 4-5-6 kittens during a time span

Does the mother cat have to stay with her kittens all the time?

In the beginning, she will be with them almost constantly. But she will need to get up to use the kitty litter and to eat and drink, and as the kittens grow, she will be able to leave them alone more often.