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he is troubled

ANSWER Take your dog to the vet NOW.

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Q: Why is your dog squirting jelly stuff out his butt?
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How long do you have to take your dog to the vet before to late if they are pooping out jelly stuff?

every two months

What is stronger a jellyfish or a dog?

If a dog fought a jelly fish underwater, the jelly fish would win. If a dog fought a jelly fish on land, the dog would win. The dog is stronger, but the jelly can shoch it's prey.

What is a guz dog?

It's dog's butt.

Is jelly a good name for a dog?

I think jelly is an adorable name for a dog. Especially if it's a pug, corkie, or any other kind of teddy-bear like dog!

Does McDonald burgers start out from dog food?

No but it has the jelly from dog food in side it.

Why does a male dog hit a female dogs butt with his butt?

cause it loves it

What dog has the biggest butt?

The blue whale in the ocean, the elephant on land.

Dog needs butt clean?

i believe they do

Why should we feel sorry for Duane Dog Chapman?

you should ask yourself that question I do believe that Dog Chapman has gotten the bad end of some stuff such as the business with legal issues from Mexico and other stuff but I don't believe we should feel sorry for him nor do I feel that he would want our pity. We should just be loyal fans to his show Dog the Bounty Hunter and watch Dog and his posse kick butt!

Is peanut butter and jelly good for dogs?

A small amount of peanut butter won't hurt a dog and can actually help its coat to shine, but jelly contains too much sugar for a dog's system and shouldn't be given.

Why does your dog present his butt to you instead of his face?

yes you are

Can you put a hot dog in butt?

yes but do not try it