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You might have an infection

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Q: Why is your ear painful and red?
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What is the least painful body piercing?

I should think that ear piercing is the least painful

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

What is the safest and least painful thing to pierce?

The ear or septum.

Does it hurt to have two ear piercings at once?

very painful!!

Why do fingernails feel painful and red?

Your fingernails feel painful and red because your skin is attached to your nails.

What is the painful lump behind your ear painful to touch and painful after touching and causes mouth pain?

swollen lymph node due to infection, usually in the head region.

Painful area to touch above right ear like a bruise without there being an injury or bruise what causes this?

ear enfection

How would you know if your ear rejected your industrial piercing?

It will be painful and swollen and moving towards the outer part of your ear, i.e rejecting.

What is the most painful pressure point?

Right under the ear behind the jaw

Can a silverfish harm you if they get into the ear?

It may not harm you. But it is immensely painful to have any insect in your ear. You have to fill the ear with spirit. It instantly kills the insect. Then your doctor will take out the dead insect from your ear, very easily.

What is a earwick?

It is a stupid little annoying bug that eats up all the earwax in your ear and is very painful when it bites your earwax it is very painful.

Where is the least painful area to get a piercing?

Most say that their navel and ear were the least painful but it differs from person to person and their level for pain tolerance.