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Q: Why is your eye blurry some days and not others?
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Is it dangerous to have your Peripheral vision blurry in one eye?

Yes. It needs to be checked by an eye care professional, urgently, to rule out certain eye diseases, including retinal detachment among others.

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What does it mean to have a white blurry spot in eye?

go optometrist.

Does blurry eye vision have anything to do with genes or the environment?

Neither. It has something to do with what you do.

Can Prozac cause blurry vision?

does prozac affect eye vision?

What to do about eye hypertension when eye becomes blurry?

This is glaucoma. The intraoccular pressure is high due to increased amount of aqueous humor.

Is there any way to make your eyesight better?

Carrots!!!! This answer is actually partially correct carrots contain something that helps clear up your eyes so they aren't so blurry if you have that problem but If you a don't have the blurry problem and you actually can't see then you should get laser eye surgery or get some glasses or some contacts.

Why does your right eye go blurry in the afternoon and heavy at night ever since you had pink eye?

I had pink eye, like half a year ago now in both eyes... but now, in the afternoon my right eye keeps going all blurry, at night time, my eyes go really heavy, and in the morning i have to wash my eyes AS SOON as i wake up because theyre all watery and crusty! Idontknow whyy ): when its blurry it kinda feels like theres somthing floating accross the eyescreen, but theres not !

Do glasses make your seem blurry?

It is possible to have blurred vision at any age. You would need to visit an eye doctor for the correct diagnosis.The eye goes blurry for many reasons, such as when one looks at light (the sun) or when one puts pressure on it, because the eye is sensitive to those two things.

How does technology damage the eye?

The closer and longer you are to it the worse it gets. When you put something close to your face that our not used to, it's blurry. But, when you do it repeatably it doesn't get blurry. That is because your mind and eyes change so you can see it. Which means when you back a away from it you no longer van see it. That is how technology can damage your eye.

What to do for eye hypertension my boyfriend has number 14 eye pressure. Today he complained that his eye was blurry Should we worry And what can we do to help him until he gets an appointment?

first of all how did u measure the eye pressure which i assume is IOT ? to get accurate readings u need a tonometer which is only available in eye clinic....for the next part normal IOT is 8 to normally take 21mmhg as a cutoff... but since u say its blurry it may be due to some others reasons n not glaucoma as such...symptomatic glaucoma begin only when the IOP is above 21 for quite some time...however sudden dimunition of vision is a emergency which i suspect can be due to an angle closure glaucoma...take him to a GP the mean time u can try a mydriatic drops over the counter.....homotropine 0.5%....