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If you have a water bottle and it seems to always chew on it, it may not be drinking. It may be just chewing. Guinea pig teeth do not stop growing. They need something to chew on to wear the teeth down. Your pig may have picked the water bottle to chew on.Put some wooden toys in the cage for it to chew on instead.

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Q: Why is your guinea pig drinking so much water?
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What do you do if a guinea pig is not eating much?

Dehydration is a frequent sign of illness in guinea pigs. They may stop drinking before they stop eating, so monitoring the water bottle is always a good idea.My guinea pig went through a stage of drinking lots but then suddenly stopped if you are giving your guinea pig alot of vegtables like fresh cucumber which contains alot of water then they will be getting there water supply from that if you search on the internet of what foods contain water you will get an idea of what foods are stopping your guinea pigs from needing to drink from the water bottle the other case is that they are not happy in the environment or the water is not fresh and they are refusing to drink it make sure that you change the water every day so that it is topped up and fresh.BECAUSE GUINEA PIGS CAN BE VERY MOODY ! and they come into season around spring time and are very smelly and also do not really like to be handeled and just really feel sorry for themseleves like mine but soon anough they will go out of that stage if you are still worried about you guinea pig i suggest going to see you nearest vet for advise

Why is your guinea pig drinking a lot water?

It may have a soar throat. And bottom line, they drink lots of water.

Why is your guinea pig not drinking her usual amount of water?

she could be ill or pregnant if a boy he could be ill

My guinea pig won't drink his water what will i do?

Your guinea pig will drink it's water

Why does a guinea pig drink so much water?

Because They Are Thristy -_-

What would happen if you gave a guinea pig to much water?

*too much water will probably just make your guinea pig have a stomach ache. He will probably have the same effect it would probably have on a human. Hope this helps ;)

What is healthy for a guinea pig?

what is healty for a guinea pig is carrots and lettuce celery and lots of water.

What do guinea need to drink out of?

A guinea pig water feeder or a water bowl.

What happens if your guinea pig doesn't eat?

Guinea pigs as well as other animals, need water. Maybe the reason this guinea pig is not drinking is because of the way the water is being given to them, for example, if the water is in a bowl, try switching to a water bottle for guinea pigs, and if the water is in a bottle, then try switching to a bowl. Also if this had been going on for a little while and you have a female guinea pig, drinking less is a sign of pregnancy for female guinea pig's. But if this has been going on for more than 10 weeks it would be unusual that this is your situation. I would maybe try changing the way the water is being given to them. And if this still continues, either call or go to a vet for more information.

Can you give a guinea pig a lime?

No,it is too much acidic.So,they are bad for Guinea pig.

Can water retention kill a guinea pig?

it can't kill a guinea pig. they can swim in it. i even tried it.

How much should guinea pigs drink and eat?

you just put in the food and water. Your guinea pig will eat and drink until it is full.