

Why is your hamster smelling so bad?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is dieing it hapend to my hampster

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Q: Why is your hamster smelling so bad?
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How do you make the bad smell of the cage of a hamster go away?

You'll want to change the bedding at least once weekly. If there are places without bedding, you can wipe with a paper towel. I do this daily in a plastic "condo" that is so small, bedding just won't work in there. My hamsters nest in a small plastic dome (it was intended to be the "outhouse" and so I change the bedding there every other day. I have no smell. Good luck!

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There isn't really an answer for this question really. Basicly it depends on if your hamster is used to seeing your face... but what i'd say is yhh. It would worrry the hamster because its so small and your so big!! x XD

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