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Women can go bald or have thinning hair just like men do. Androgenetic Alopecia is the main cause of baldness in both men and women. It happens when women age and their estrogen levels drop allowing the male hormone testosterone to take over.

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13y ago

Causes of hair loss:

1)Hormonal imbalance.

2) Stress.

3) Hereditary.

4) Unhealthy lifestyle and junk food.

5) Illness.


1) Use Parachute Advansed Therapie Hair Vitaliser to control hair fall and make the hair stronger and thicker.

2) Use a mild/herbal shampoo thrice a week and a reputed conditioner twice a week.

3) Apply the conditioner to the tips of the hair and not to the scalp.

4) Eat well and include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid junk food.

5) Exercise, as it increases blood circulation to the scalp.

6) Relax and don't take stress as stress leads to hairfall. So sleep well.

7) Protect your hair from the Sun by wearing a scarf or a hat.

8) Drink 8-10 glasses of water to hydrate your hair and preventing it from becoming brittle. Hope these hair care tips work for you!

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