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Because through various actions, the plankton gives off some of that energy before being eaten.

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Q: Why isn't all of the energy that phytoplankton get from sunlight passed on to the sea urchins that eat the phytoplankton?
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Is energy passed from one organism to another through sunlight?

Yes, Energy is passed from one to another through sunlight! Thx!!

Why isn't all the energy that phytoplankton get from sunlight passed on to the sea urchins that eat the phytoplankton?

There are many reasons for this. Some of the main ones include the fact that not all parts of animals are consumable. Energy that is used to grow solid bone is not usually usable by any other animal, for example. Plants are the most efficient, and animals that eat plants will use up some of that energy while hunting other animals, a large amount also escaping as heat energy. A very small amount of the actual energy consumed is passed up through the food chain, which explains the small number of the higher predators compared to plants.

What happens when an excited electron is passed to an electron acceptor in a photosystem?

When an excited electron is passed to an electron acceptor in a photosystem, energy in sunlight is transformed to chemical energy.

Why isn't all of the energy that grass gets from the sunlight passed on to the prairie dogs that eat the grass?

Grass uses most of the energy it gets from sunlight for its own life processes.

Why isn't all of energy that grass gets from sunlight passed on the prairie dogs that eat the grass?

by pooping

Why isn't all of the energy that grass gets from sunlight passed on to the prairie dogs that eat grass?

by pooping

Why isn't all of the energy that grass gets from sunlight passed on to prairie dogs that eat grass?

by pooping

How does the original energy enter most ecosystems?

The original energy in most ecosystems enters through sunlight. Sunlight is captured by plants through the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into chemical energy. This energy is then passed on to other organisms when they consume the plants or other organisms that have consumed plants.

What percentage of energy is passed from level to level of a food chain or web?

10% every trophic level. Only 1% of sunlight is passed down however.

How is the sun's energy passed along in an ecosystem?

The Sun's help from the sunlight helps the plants grow up

Why isn't all the energy a green plant gets from sunlight passed to other organisms?

Because only a fraction of the energy used by a level is converted to biomass, less energy is available at higher levels.

Where does all energy in a ecosystem originally come from?

All energy in any ecosystem originally comes from the sun. the energy is then passed on to the producers. including plants, trees, and anything else that uses photosynthesis.