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Q: Why isn't the study terminated even when the results are absolutley clear?
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What prevents biased results?

That would be a "blind study".

What effect does non-random sample have on what you can say about the results of a study?

It means that the results of the study cannot be claimed to hold for the entire population from which the sample was drawn. The researchers can only claim that their results hold for the individuals selected into their sample.

What is the importance of results and discussion?

Results and discussion sections are crucial in research papers as they present the findings of the study and provide an interpretation of those results. The results section informs readers about the outcomes of the research, while the discussion section allows authors to explain the significance of those results in the context of the study's objectives and existing knowledge in the field. Together, these sections help to communicate the study's contribution to the scientific community.

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To insure that you continually get the same results before publishing your findings.

Psychologists who study the causes of behavior?

those whose study the origin, cause, or results of certain behaiors are

What does the p score shows in a research study?

It shows the probability that the results of the study are due to mere chance.

Why do researches use hypothesis when conducting a study?

To figure out the results

What is data collected method?

Data Collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results.

What are the advantages of cohort study?

Allow complete information on the subject’s exposure, including quality control of data, and experience thereafter.Provide a clear temporal sequence of exposure and disease.Give an opportunity to study multiple outcomes related to a specific exposure.Permit calculation of incidence rates (absolute risk) as well as relative risk.Methodology and results are easily understood by non-epidemiologists.Enable the study of relatively rare exposures.

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Define external validity?

is the extent to which the results of study apply to people not in it