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because whether or not a man means to, he let's out a little bit of sperm before ejaculating. he is not aware of when he does this, and it is not really possible to control. because this happens, even if you are very careful about pulling out, there is a higher chance of getting pregnant than if you use other methods of contraceptive. condoms are much more reliable, and very easy to get. also ask your doctor about other kinds of contraceptive, like the pill or shot.

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There's usually something at the tip of the penis, so there's always a chance for "leakage."

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Q: Why isn't withdrawal a reliable method of birth control?
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Can you still get pregnant if you're on birth control and using the withdrawal method?

If you're on birth control then you don't need to use to withdrawal method because you're having protected sex. It is very unlikely that you will get pregnant

In withdrawal bleeding is clotting common?

No. Withdrawal is NOT a safe method of birth control, and the bleeding needs to be checked out by your doctor.

Why is it that withdrawal method can make a girl thin?

There's NO connection between diet and the withdrawal method. The girl has to be on a healthy diet to lose weight, and the withdrawal method should NOT be used, because it's NOT birth control

How effective is the withdrawal method after stopping birth control pills?

Depending on when you stopped using birth control can change the effectiveness of the withdrawal method. Missing one or two pills in your pill pack can cause you to become pregnant even if you use the withdrawal method. The withdrawal method is not very effective even without the use of birth control pills because the man does not have to ejaculate for a woman to get pregnant since there can be sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid. The withdrawal method usually results in pregnancy 8 times out of every 10 women or 80%. Therefore, this method is not very effective.

Is the pull-out method a fertility method?

Yes, since pulling out is NOT a reliable form of birth control!

What happens if you stop birth control pill and replace it with withdrawal method?

If you stop the birth control pill and replace it with the withdrawal method, you will probably be pregnant within the year. If you don't want to get pregnant, talk with your health care about effective methods that meet your needs. Withdrawal is better than using nothing, but it has a very high failure rate.

What is the chance of pregnancy using both implanon and the pull out method?

DON'T use withdrawal. Stick with birth control.

Should you use the withdrawal method if correctly using birth control?

There is no reason to, as long as the BC is used correctly.

Will birth control cause a withdrawal period even if you are pregnant?

You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.

If you skip your period via birth control method like NuvaRing will you still get PMS symptoms?

You will not get PMS symptoms if you skip your withdrawal bleeding with birth control, as your hormonal levels are not changing.

Is the patch the best birth control method?

There is no single "best birth control method." Women have different needs, insurance coverage issues, and preferences. The patch is useful for women who want a reliable method that doesn't require daily activity.

Is withdrawal method can cause psychological problem?

I'm not sure what would cause psychological problems and for who. The man for not getting to ejaculate inside of her? No, that will not cause mental problems. Worrying about getting pregnant might do it though. Withdrawal is not a reliable birth control method and 1/4 get pregnant by it. There is sperm in pre-ejaculate so it is not safe unless you also avoid intercourse when you ovulate.