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Q: Why isthe heartbeat consedered the most important part of the circolatory system?
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Which system is bady affected by too much fat?

i might not be of any help and i kind of need someone to answer it aswel um ithink its either the circolatory or the blood systems

What command line to heart beat stop and start in Linux system?

To stop heartbeat in Linux the command line will be service Heartbeat stop To start heartbeat in Linux the command line will be service Heartbeat start

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Does our nervous system helps your heartbeat?

yes of course, don't u realise that your heartbeat go faster when you're scared or someone shocked you?

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When jenny saw that a large barking dog was enclosed by a very high fence her racing heartbeat began to slow The slowed heartbeat was most directly regulated by her?

Jenny's slowed heartbeat when she saw the barking dog was enclosed by a high fence was regulated by her parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is also known as PSNS or the Rest and Digest System.

What part of the nervous system returns the heartbeat back to normal?


Which body system controls the rate at which the circulatory and respiratory work?

The nervous system controls the rate of the heartbeat and respiration.

Pupil dilation and rapid heartbeat are the result of activation of which branch of the autonomic nervous system?

peripheral nervous system

What part of the brain controls the heartbeat?

The cardiovascular - regulatory system and it is part of the autonomic nerve system which is controled by the limbic system found deep in the center of the brain.

A person is swimming when a fish touches her foot. Her heartbeat and breathing increase for a few seconds until she realizes the fish is harmless. What part of the nervous system returns her heartbeat?


Heartbeat digestion and other self regulating bodily functions are governed by the?

autonomic nervous system.