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As long as your pupils both react to the light, and it's not a new condition, you are probably just more sensitive to brightness than the "average" person. People with light colored eyes seem to be more prone to photophobia. Sunglasses are never a bad idea, keep out UV, and keep you comfortable.

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to focus properly and to make the vision of the object clear and too much light will damage the pupil if is large

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Q: Why it's important for the eye to adjust to bright light?
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In a bright light the pupil in your eye will?

When exposed to a bright light, the pupil of the human eye will contract. This action allows less light to come in contact with the lens.

Can a pupil help eyes to adjust when there is dim or bright light?

Not the pupil itself but the SIZE of it as controlled by the eye's Iris does this, it acts in a way similar to a camera's F stop iris.

To function efficiently need bright light?

To function efficiently the eye needs bright light. For maximum efficiency the eye needs light to be at a wavelength of 0.555um. The eye can perform efficiently in the dark at a wavelength of 0.510um, but there is a weakness in color.

Which diagram do you think shows an eye in bright light?


When a person enters a dark room from bright light he can not see anything clearly for sometime and starts seeing slowly because?

Your pupil's have to adjust from the light to the dark so your pupils will get bigger in a dark room.

Why is it hard to see after going from bright light to dark light?

It is difficult to see once entering a dark room after being in bright light because the pupils adjust how much light goes into the eye. In the sunlight, the pupils are tiny. In a dark room, the pupils need a few seconds to adjust to open wider.

How long does it take the eye to adjust from darkness to light?

20 seconds

Why is it that when there is sudden darkness the sight is not clear?

your eyes are trying to adjust to the amount of light . when there is lots of light, your pupils get smaller and when there is not enough light, your pupils get larger. therefore, when a bright light turns off and leaves you in sudden darkness., your pupils are widening to adjust to the amount of light it needs to let in. TRY IT YOUSELF: -make the room dark -stand in front of a mirror with a flashlight -shine the light in your eye and watch your pupil close up -then shine the light into the mirror (away from your eye but still so you can see it) and -watch your pupil get larger

Why do people instintively close their eyes in bright light?

To block the light out of their eyes, until they get accustomed to it. But, it isn't instinct to close your eyes in bright light. Muscles around the eye pull it closed to protect the inner areas of the eye.

What part of eye makes the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light?


What is the Response of eye to bright light?

The iris controls the amount of light entering the eyes through pupil. When the surrounding is extremely bright, the iris contracts the size of pupil. This decreases the amount of light entering the eye. This is why when we are suddenly exposed to bright light, the eyes blink and in meanwhile, the iris contracts.

Which part of the eye becomes narrower in bright light?

The pupil narrows in bright light to restrict the amount of light coming in. In low light conditions it will enlarge to allow more light in for greater vision.