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Q: Why it is important to support fairtrade?
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How do you support fairtrade?

buy fairtrade

What can you do to support fairtrade?

Buy Fairtrade food such as coffee, tea and bananas and always give Fairtrade Gifts when you can.

What shops support fairtrade?

macys and kohls

How do Sikhs feel about fairtrade?

Overall, Sikhs value social justice and equality, which aligns with the principles of fairtrade. Many Sikhs support fairtrade as it ensures that workers receive fair wages and that producers receive a fair price for their goods. Fairtrade also promotes sustainable and ethical practices, which are important values for Sikhs.

Why fair trade is important locally?

Fairtrade is important locally as in our local areas we are expected to by fairtrade products in order to ensure it is sustained, For example if you have any stores in your local area which have fairtrade products in them you can talk about how it contributes to increase fairtrade.

Does any charity support fair trade?

fairtrade does have charity support like the rain forest support and kenco.

Why was fair trade introduced?

fairtrade was introduced to help the farmers to have a better live and support there family.

What are the fairtrade standards?

Fairtrade standards are not simply a set of minimum standards for socially responsible production and trade. The Fairtrade standards go further in seeking to support the development of disadvantaged and marginalized small-scale farmers and plantation workers. Fairtrade standards relate to three areas of sustainable development: social development, economic development and environmental development.

What is fairtrade fortnight?

fairtrade fortnight is a two week celebration for fairtrade

Who uses Fairtrade?

anyone can use fairtrade

How you can help fairtrade?

by buying fairtrade products

How can fairtrade help?

by buying fairtrade products