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Q: Why it is not advisable for women nearing the menopause stage to get pregnant?
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Why is it advisable for women nearing the menopausal stage to get pregnant?

Its not.

Can you be pregnant tubes tied negative pregnant test missed and just turned 40?

you are coming into the menopause stage of your life so that may be the reason for the missed period and negative pregnancy test. the likely hood of being pregnant afer having your tubes tied is pretty much none existant

What age must a woman stop having children?

women at their stage of menopause stpo bearing child menopause comes at the age aroung 38-40 by anurag.a

What does postmenopauseal mean?

It means symptoms right before you get menopause and they could last awhile before you begin menopause. Post means 'after', so post menopausal means following the menopause or the stage of life following the cessation of monthly periods for one year.

What is the cessation of menstruation known as?

When blood stops flowing it is usually called coagulation. In medical terms it is called a platelet plug.

When is the earliest stage that your water can break when you are pregnant?

i dont know. i am gus bus. i never get pregnant.

Your last menstrual was feb-11-2010 an now its the end of march no period but 3 neg tests am I pregnant?

Not necessarily. Some women do not have regular periods. Stress or other health issues may cause delayed periods. Also, menopause rids of periods. It is nothing to worry about at this stage.

What is stage three bladder prolapse?

Grade 3: The bladder protrudes from the body through the vaginal opening. Often seen around menopause.

Periods stop at what age?

A woman's period will stop once she goes through menopause. Each woman reaches that stage at a different age. The average age that a woman shows menopause onset signs is 51 plus or minus several years.

What stage is it safe to be in contact with a pregnant women?

There's never a risk of being in contact with a pregnant woman.

What is the 2 weeks signs of pregnant?

There are no visual signs at that stage.

What if hcg level is a 173 and pregnant?

yes,pregnancy is confirm in this stage.