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The carbonation in soft drinks makes it harder to gulp down enough fluids and may cause indigestion. The high sugar content of soda (and some juices) causes insulin levels in your blood to rise, which leaves you feeling sleepy and tired. Drinks containing caffeine and/or alcohol will increase fluid loss, which may contribute to dehydration.

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Do Japanese people drink soft drinks?

Yes, soft drinks are available in Japan, and some Japanese people do drink them.

Why do people drink soft drinks?

it is just a difference in speech, same as calling a garage sale a yard sale & vice versa. Soft drink also refers to the drink not being a hard drink (a hard drink is a drink with alcohol). Since soda/soft drinks do not have alcohol, they are called soft drinks.

Why drinks are named as soft drinks?

"Hard" drinks contain alcohol. Anything without alcohol is a soft drink.

What pH is soft drink?

Soft drinks are generally acidic.

What acidic is in soft drink?

Citric acid is found in soft drinks.

What is the pH value of soft drink?

Soft drinks have a pH under 7.

What soft drinks have the most fizz?

the soft drink with the most fizz is pepsi.

Which is correct- soft drink or soft drinks?

depends if it is more than one

Why do you drink Malta soft drinks?

Because it is addictive.

What Japanese soft drinks are there?

bubble tea and green tea are drinks that the Japanese drink

How big is the soft drink industry?

Soft drinks is a $61 billion a year industry

What is the difference between alcoholic drinks and soft drinks?

Soft drinks are soda-based drinks which do not contain alcohol or its components... thus it is also called a non-alcoholic drink. Alcoholic drinks are alcohol-based drinks... also known as hard drinks.