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Closer a place is to the equator, the hotter it is. This is because near the equator, the place bears the direct incidence of the rays of the sun. On the other hand, places near the poles hardly receive sunlight at all, because the sunlight comes very slanted. This is the same reason why the evening is cooler than the afternoon (when the sun is most overhead). Except for Florida and some really southern states, all of the US is "above" India. Infact San Diego (32 N) is located just a few hundreds of kms below the northernmost tip of India (35 N) . This is why India is so hot and US (most parts) is not. The southern states and the interiors of US do get very hot during summers. Infact, the further away a place is from the ocean, the more extreme temperatures it has in winter and in summer. For this reason many US states have both heaters and air conditioners, while this would be almost unnecessary in India (except in the northern continental parts).

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1d ago

India experiences intense heat in May due to its proximity to the equator, which allows for direct sunlight and high temperatures. On the other hand, the United States has a more varied climate due to its size and geography, with regions experiencing cooler temperatures or milder weather in May.

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