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Q: Why it necessary for Isis to find and rebuild the body of Osiris?
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The wife of Osiris who collected the parts of his dismembered body and restored them?

Isis was that wife of Osiris.

What legends were associated with Anubis?

Anubis took part in the myth of Isis and Osiris; he helped Isis to wrap the body of Osiris and some say that Osiris had been killed by Set, Osiris' organs were given to Anubis as a gift (hence his becoming a god of embalmers).

Who was Isis's son?

Horus was Isis and Osiris's son. Horus is often pictured as a god with a human body with a falcon head

Who is the most popular Egyptian goddess?

Isis Isis was the wife of Osiris. When Seth murdered his brother Osiris, he chopped his body into pieces and hid them in 14 different locations. Isis recovered them and put them together to make the first Mummy.

What myths involving Anubis?

The most well known myth involving Anubis was a part of the story of Isis and Osiris, when Set dismembers the body of Osiris and Isis gathers the pieces and puts them under the protection of Anubis who guards and protects the body, later wrapping it to help in resurrecting Osiris.

What is the Myth of Isis?

It is said that Seth killed by his brother Osiris. He cut him up into pieces before hiding them in 14 different locations. Osiris' wife Isis recovered the body parts and put them together to make the first mummy

Is there a myth about Anubis?

There are a few, yes, in one Anubis helped Isis to wrap (embalm) the body of Osiris and protected it.

Who is the sister of Osiris?

Seth the the God of Caous and Destruction. It is said that Seth killed by his brother Osiris. He cut him up into pieces before hiding them in 14 different locations. Osiris' wife Isis recovered the body parts and put them together to make the first mummy,and you can also be known as Set.

What is the myth about Anubis famous for?

Anubis is most famous for his part in the wrapping of Osiris, protecting and preserving his body for resurrection by Isis.

What Egyptian was killed by his brother and brought back by his wife?

The Egyptian God Osiris was killed by his brother Seth. Seth cut him up into pieces before hiding them in 14 different locations. Osiris' wife Isis recovered the body parts and put them together to make the first mummy. She protected his body with amulets and powerful spells.

What is interesting about the myth of Osiris?

It is said that Seth killed by his brother Osiris. He cut him up into pieces before hiding them in 14 different locations. Osiris' wife Isis recovered the body parts and put them together to make the first mummy.

What is the mythology of Anubis?

In mythology, the organs of Osiris were sometimes told to be gifted to Anubis (thus a god of embalming) or that Anubis helped Isis to wrap and preserve the body of Osiris so it could be revived.