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do yu mean the second?

they surrendered after the second because they were dropped so close together time wise the government for one didnt think we had more but also didnt have time to come together and come to an agreement

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Q: Why japan only surrendered after the first atomic bomb was dropped on themwhy not at first?
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Why did they not drop atomic bomb on Europe?

Atomic bombs were not dropped in Europe because the United States (along with help from England, Canada, and Austrailia) did not complete the first atomic bombs until after Germany surrendered.

What was the Japanese response to American use of atomic bombs?

At first the Japanese continued fighting but after the second bomb was dropped they surrendered ending this portion of WWII.

How soon did the war end after the atomic bombing?

There were two atomic bombs dropped over Japan. The first one was dropped over Hiroshima on August 6 1945 and the other one was dropped over Nagasaki on August 9 1945. In the morning of August 14, Japan had surrendered.

Where did world war 2 end first Europe or pacific?

The German forces fighting in Italy surrendered on 2 May 1945.All German forces surrendered on 8 May 1945.Japan surrendered after the atomic bombs were dropped during the first week of August, 1945.

Where was the first atomic bomb dropped-?

The city of Hiroshima was the place where the first atomic bomb was dropped.

What plane dropped the first atomic bomb?

The Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb.

Where did the us drop the atomic bomb in japan?

The first one was dropped near/on Hiroshima, the second one near/on Nagasaki.

Where and when was the first atomic bomb dropped?

The location of the first atomic bomb which was dropped was on Hiroshima on August 6th 1945.

What brought the Japanese surrender and the end of World War 2?

the atomic bomb being dropped by the United States on Hiroshima

Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?

The first atomic bomb was gadget and was dropped at trinity site new mexico in july 1945.

When and where did US drop the atomic bombs on Japan?

"Little Boy" the first atomic bomb used in warfare was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th, and "Fat Man" the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9th. Although Japan was already ready to surrender before the atom bombs were dropped, they did not surrender when the first bomb was dropped, which caused the US to drop the second one. After the second atomic bomb was dropped, Imperial Japan surrendered 5 days later, and the surrender ceremony was September 2nd, which also ended World War 2.

The first atomic bomb was dropped on .?

Hiroshima was the first to be bombed in World War 2.