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it can remove rust... man kay hangag ka...................................................

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Q: Why kamias fruit can remove stain from clothes?
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What is the scope and limitations of kamias fruit as stain remover from clothes?

because some of the given answer is wrong

What chemical is found in the kamias that can remove stain?

It can remove stain because kamias contains a high content of oxalic acid.

How do kamias remove stain?

use stain wipes

What plants that can be a stain remover?

you can use CALAMANSI, Dalandan, Kamias, and Cane vinger which all together remove stain so you mix them hope that helps

Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

How do you remove fruit and vegetable stain from clothes?

Depending on the fruit or veggie, this stain could be easy to get rid of or it could be difficult. Pretreat the stain and rinse it out. If the stain is gone, you're good to go. If it's still there repeat the pretreatment and wash it, considering bleach if the fabric is color-safe or white.

Remove ink stain from wet clothes?

how do i remove ink stains from wet clothes

Does fruit punch stain on clothes?

It depends on the fruits, but in general it does stain.

Why does fruit punch stain clothes?

Fruit punch stains clothes because it contains a dye. The fibers of the clothes absorb the fruit punch. The liquid part of the drink evaporates, and the dye part remains set in the fibers of the clothes.

How do you remove a ball point pen stain from your clothes?

Hair spray.

What are soil and stain removers used for?

it is used to remove soil and stains from clothes.

Which products provide stain removal from clothes?

You can remove stains from clothes using products such as OxiClean Max Force, Tide Stain Brush and Tide to Go. You can purchase these items from Amazon.