

Why light is dispersed by a prism?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why light is dispersed by a prism?
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Which color of light is dispersed most by a prism?

The refractive index of violet light is most in a glass prism and is the least for the red light. So violet light is most refracted in the glass prism.

How does incident light emerge from a prism?

Incident light hits a prism, refracted or reflected light emerges from it. In what manner it is different from the incident light depends on the angle of incidence and the angles of the prism. Commonly it may be refracted, dispersed or reflected back.

What would you use to split white light into colors?

If white light is shined through a prism, it will be dispersed into colors.

Why a laser beam cannot be dispersed by passing it through a glass prism?

The laser beam is a highly monochromatic source of light. It consists of only one wavelength and hence does not get dispersed by using a glass prism.

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What spectrum does white light form?

when dispersed through a prism: Visible spectrum of light (rainbow) part of (very small fraction) electromagnets spectrum

The colour least deviated when he light passes through the prism?

Out of the visible colors, red. The lower the wavelength the less it is dispersed.

Why is white light dispersed by a glass prism?

When white light(composite light) consisting of various colors is passed through a prism, light of different colors will be deviated through different angles. Since the deviation is related to refractive index and refractive index to the color of light the deviation produced for different colors are different for same prism.That is the refractive indices are different for the various colors and this difference in the refractive indices is responsible for dispersion.

Different colors are dispersed by a prism because different colors in the prism have different?


How are wavelengths of light detected?

Spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed by a prism according to its wavelength. An instrument called a spectrometer is used in spectroscopy for producing spectral lines and measuring their wavelengths and intensities.

Why a laser beam cannot be dispersed by passing through a glass prism?

Because laser light consists of only one frequency (color), so there's nothing to spread out.

How is lupin dispersed?

lupins are dispersed by watering them and giving them light