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Q: Why like poles do not attract each other?
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How is the strength of two magnetic poles related to the force between them?

The rule for the interaction between the magnetic poles is similar to the interaction between the electrical charges in terms of the attraction and repulsion. In both cases the unlike poles attract while the like poles repel.

Do like poles attract?

No, unlike poles of a magnet attract each other I'm so smart HA HA HA HA Bye Bye Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Is it true that like or similar poles and two different magnets will attract to each other?

No, its opposite. Similar poles repel while dissimilar poles attract each other.

Do magnetic poles attract each other or repel each other or are they neutral to each other?

Magnetic poles act like charges, they attract(opposites) and repel (same).

What generalization can you make about the reaction between unlike poles?

The two like poles will repel each other, and you'll need to push them to come together. The two unlike poles will attract each other, and you'll need to hold them to keep them apart.

What rule describes the behavior of magnetic poles?

Like poles repel each other, while opposite poles attract each other.

What are the 2 general rules that apply to magnets?

Like poles repel and unlike poles attract and keep 'um away from your pacemaker.

State the rule that describes the behavior of magnetic poles?

Same poles attract where as opposite poles repel. N-N= repel N-S=attract S-N=attract S-S=repel

Do North poles attract North poles?

We know that like magnetic poles repel and opposite magnetic poles attract. North will repel north and south will repel south. On the other hand, north and south attract each other.

What will happen if a North Pole of bar magnet near the North Pole of suspended magnet?

In magnetism, two like poles will repel each other. Remember that opposites attract.

What happens when the opposite poles of the magnet are near each other?

Like poles attract. Unlike poles repel. So north and south will attract towards each other, while north and north (and south to south) will repel.

How does magnet attract and repel?

it can can pull different sides like the s=south and the n=north.