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Q: Why listening to children is such an important part of building relationships?
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Why are peer relationships so important to children?

Peer relationships are so important to children because, we are love and attention starved.

Why is it important to give children your full attention when listening to them?

It is important to give your child your full attention when listening so you actually hear them. This will make them better listeners as well.

Why do you give children your full attention when listening to them?

Children are people, too. It's as important to listen attentively to them as it is to anyone else. Why? To demonstrate to them the proper way of listening, to be polite and to gain a better understanding of what they are trying to communicate.

How do you build positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people?

to use the same techniques we apply with children to build positive relationships, for example: *effective communication - listening to them carefully, making eye contact to ensure that you are carefully listening to them, being silent while them talk and speak when they stop, adopt appropriate body language like nodding head and smile etc, to make them feel that what the other person is saying is worth listening. *tolerate differences - respect their point of views, and believes, even if we do not agree with them etc.

Why grading system is important to the student?

grading system improves children's study and parents understand their kind of listening and studying

What is the most important factor in building cooperation with children?

Being able to get children to trust you, otherwise, with no trust, you cannot build cooperation with them.

Why are the children are not listening?

Depends on the situation. Some parents yell at children so they turn off listening. It is called child deaf when a child does this. Sometimes a child has emotional or physical problems and when this happens they are thinking about the problem and not listening.

What are Harry Potter's children's relationships?

Very little is known about Harry Potter's children and nothing is known about their relationships.

What is the morale of the poem- Jim written by Hilaire Belloc?

Moral is to realize that listening to parents and adults is very important. Parents are there to protect their children and keep them safe.

How do children learn to use their language?

Children learn to use their language through interactions with caregivers and exposure to language from an early age. They imitate sounds, words, and gestures they hear, and gradually learn the meanings behind them through repetition and reinforcement. As they grow, children practice and refine their language skills through listening, observing, and experimenting with speech.

What does Que Escuchan los ninos mean?

"¿Qué escuchan los niños?" translates to "What do the children listen to?" in English.

How do you change the noisy children rushed into the building into an inverted sentence?

Into the building rushed the noisy children.