

Why little kids watch only cartoons?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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little kids usually watch Cartoons because they understand it more cuz if they watched a teenager show they would be confused cuz the show would proably be saying bad words so there parents would probly not like that

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Q: Why little kids watch only cartoons?
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Why do most little kids tend to watch only cartoons and not other kids shows?

Cartoons are often used to present a simplified version of reality, which is easier for little kids to understand.

Why do so many little kids watch only cartoons?

It's a diversion, and sometimes parents are not as engaged as they should be.

Why do little kids watch only cartoons on tv?

Because, it is colorful, bright, makes noise and is occasinally funny.....

Why do little kids watch only cartoons?

Because they don't understand the world around them and they like the color of the characters

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Cartoons are funny to them,and to some adults

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Because she sees it as something childish that only immature little kids watch but I think there is nothing wrong with a guy watching cartoons as long as they don't exaggerate.

Why do people get the idea that only children watch cartoons?

because older people are jelous and have no time to watch carttons with their children, and think that children watch cartoons because have a lot of time and to keep them quiet and not doing anything...but some adults think that cartoons are stupid, and only kids watch them because kids are not that "smart"as adults, but i disagree with that because not all of the cartoons are stupid..and besides, everyone watches cartoons,nomater what age the person is..if you ask someone "do you watch cartoons" and they make a face like "what the heck?" and answer you"no,i don't whacth cartoons" because they try to be mature - trust me, they lie...everyone watches cartoons and everyone likes them as well...

Is it morally wrong for an adult to watch only cartoons?

Has nothing to do with morals, but is a little odd.

Is it dumb to ask the same questions over and over again?

Yes very much so as you know first hand considering these are the other questions you've posted... "Is it a horrible thing if any 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad if any 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it an abnormal thing if 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Will a girl love a man if he's 21 and over and watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it dumb for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it abnormal for adults over 18 to watch ONLY cartoons" "Is it retarded if 21 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it stupid if an 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it a dumb thing if a 21 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb if a 19 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for a 19 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it weird for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it weird that 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it the wrong thing for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Why is it bad for 18 year old guys to watch only cartoons" "Is it a bad thing for a 16 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is society criticizing 18 year olds for watching only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Is it bad for a 21 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons as a 21 year old" "Is It Bad To Like Watching Only Cartoons At 21" "Is it good to watch only cartoons" "Is it horrifying if an 18 year old guy watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old guy" "Is it a bad thing if you're over 18 years old and watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18 years old" "Is it good or bad to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18" & "Why is it that teenagers lose interest in watching cartoons"

Why do adults bully you if they know you like to watch cartoons as a 20 year old man?

I don't know, I'm 17 (almost 18) and I watch cartoons and no one gives me a hard time really. Maybe they just don't understand, alot of adults get the mentality that cartoons are for kids, try getting them to watch family guy one time then they can't say cartoons are only for kids.

Why do some people watch only cartoons if they know it doesn't make them grown up and mature?

because there fun to watch with family especially with kids

Why do adults watch cartoons with only their kids and not as their own favorite TV show?

cartoons are developed especially for children. The mind of adults is too advanced for any of that. Study shows, the older you get the more bored of cartoons you get.