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The liver is one of the largest organs of the body, but it is smaller than the skin.

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Q: Why liver is call the largest organ of the body?
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What is the liver needed for?

you can call it a filter, it cleans out the toxins from the body.

Organ of the plant body performs photosynthesis?

WE call it chloroplast. That is where photosynthesis is happening.

Where is the rectoral located in body?

There is no organ in the body called the rectoral. Do you mean rectum? That is what you call the last part of the large intestine, where it leaves the body at the anus.

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A vestigial is an organ that serves no useful function in an organism.

Major organs of the systems in the body?

An organ system in the body is a system that maintains life and carries out a specific function of the body so it can live well and be viable. Any organ system failure can result in death or ill health. Here are some of the organ systems: Cardiovascular, Skin or Dermal system, Filtering Systems (such as liver, kidneys, spleen), Digestive system, Nervous System, and what I call sensory systems (which do not threaten life when not functioning properly) such as hearing, light touch, vision, taste, and smell. Organ systems that keep your body alive are heart, lungs, brain, entire digestive system, liver, kidneys, hormones, nervous system (paralysis above a certain spinal zone will result in death or brain death). If your largest organ, the dermis is damaged too much by wounds, burns or disease you would not be able to live. So you can see that the organ systems do keep you alive and functioning either well or poorly depending on its condition.

What do you call a gallery occupied by church organ?

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Why you call scoliodon a dog fish?

we cal scoliodon dog fish bcoz it has sensory organ(for smell) all over its body

What is it call when breast cancer move from one area to another organ?

When breast cancer spreads from the original site to another part of the body, it is called metastatic breast cancer. This stage of cancer is also known as stage IV breast cancer. It can affect organs such as the bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

What organ in the human body produces glucose?

Not an organ, every cell in the body produces sugar. The organelle in a cell that makes the ATP [which is later turned to sugar by other chemicals] is the mitochondria in animal cells. In plant cells it's this and the chloroplasts.

What internal organ can survive the longest without oxygen muscle kidneys liver heart?

The liver, and here is why: The heart requires cellular respiration to continue beating, as do the muscle cells for flexing. The kidney is a close call, but it actively pumps fluids to filter blood, thus requiring cellular respiration as well. Obviously the liver uses cellular respiration as well, however it is not as active as the other three organs. It produces large amounts of enzymes, and has a large chemical (rather than mechanical) impact on the human body.

What organ system does the jaundice effect?

This question doesn't make sense? Jaundice affects the skin and the sclera (white part) of the eyes. Body system? Jaundice is caused by an excess of billirubin in the blood, due to the liver or an obstruction in the billiary tract.

What do you call a person who plays the organ?

An organist