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Q: Why loam is the ideal soil for growing most plants?
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What type of soil is better organic or loam?

Growing plants organically is always best. Loam soil is a type of soil, just as sand and clay are a type of soil. In regards to vegetable gardening most plants do best in a loamy soil. If that soil happens to be pesticide/chemical fertilizer free all the better.

What is the composition of loam?

The term "loam" refers to the texture of soil, including its ability, to compact and its relative coarseness. Loam is a mixture of even parts sand, clay and silt. It it the ideal garden soil for most plants, providing good nutrition, drainage and aeration.

Why does loam soil has good for farming?

Loam is good for growing plants because there are a lot of minerals.hThere is decay in loam.That helps plants grow too.Very many organic matters from the mixture of moist clay soil is good for planting.

What kind of soil has significant amounts of sand silt and clay?

its called clay loam. A true loam is approximately 40% each of sand and silt and 20% clay. This mineral mixture should be 92% of your soil and 8% organic material for your best growing mixture.

What types of soil that is the best of plants?

soil with minerals in it. It also depends on what types of plants are in discussion, but most plant prefer loam soil while most creepers (plants that do not grow upright) prefer sandy soil.

What combination of soil parts is best for growing most plants?

the best combination for growing plants is humus and organic matter.

Which soil grows seeds best?

It depends on the plant. Plants grow best in the soil of their natural environment. Most plants do best in a loam soil while other prefer sand.

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Which soil has water holding capacity?

soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called loam. it has a crumbly texture that holds both air and water. loam is best for growing most types of plants.

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What plants grow well in loamy soil?

Acid loving plants like azaleas and rhododendrums. Also shade tolerant plants like ferns, choleus, hosta. All the above plants will grow on loam as will most plants. Loam is actually top spit soil and does not describe the chemical content. Loam does not have to be acid although it can be or alkaline or neutral.