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because lower epidermis is not covered with dust which falls from above.

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In a dorsiventral leaf the lower epidermis remains away from direct sunlight hence more frequent stomata (guard cells) are found to have a check on high rate of transpiration.

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Q: Why lower epidermis has more guard cells?
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Which has more stomata the upper or lower epidermis?

Lower epidermis of leaves being away from direct sunlight have more stomata per unit area to minimize exessive traspiration.

Which is more advantageous to plants-more stomata on the upper epidermis or lower epidermis?

upper epidermis for sure>>>

How does stomata open?

The stomata's function is to allow gas exchange with the surrounding air, so that the plant can intake carbon dioxide and oxygen. Stomatal opening is favored when there is plentiful water and moderate temperatures. Abscissic acid, a plant hormone, acts on the guard cells to open and close stomata. Some plants are even genetically engineered with a mutated era gene, which makes them more sensitive to abscissic acid and more prone to the opening and closing of guard cells. When guard cells are full of water, they stretch away from each other and the stomata are open. When guard cells are limp, they fall on each other and the stomata are closed. Potassium ions play a role in the opening and closing of stomata by changing the concentration of ions in the guard cells. When the potassium ions are in the guard cells, water also flows in the guard cells because of osmosis and the stomata open. When the potassium ions are out of the guard cells, water also flows out of the guard cells because of osmosis and the stomata close.

Why there are more stomata in lower epidermis than in upper epidermis?

Because lower epidermis remains away from the light and in the absence of light the water loss through transpiration is minimized.

How guard cells open and close stomata?

Stomata open and close due to sunlight causing a chemical reaction; resulting in a mechanical action.. its because the cel surface membrane around the guard cells have a potassium pump and this pump doesnt work without ATP. so in the day time the cholorplast absorb the light and pruduce ATP which then makes the potassium pump start pumping and because of this the solute potential inside the cell is higher so water from the moisture in the air moves into the stoma and cause it to expand which then makes it open.

Related questions

Which has more stomata the upper or lower epidermis?

Lower epidermis of leaves being away from direct sunlight have more stomata per unit area to minimize exessive traspiration.

Like your skin a leafs what protects its more tender inner cells?

tissues are layers of similar cells. the outside layer of a leaf is called the epidermis tissue. the epidermis is made of flat cells . this layer is like the top layer of your skin. it protects the plant.

Which is more advantageous to plants-more stomata on the upper epidermis or lower epidermis?

upper epidermis for sure>>>

Why do the lemna form their stomata in the upper epidermis?

Lemna, also known as duckweed, form their stomata in the upper epidermis to increase gas exchange efficiency. Placing stomata on the upper surface allows for easier access to carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis while minimizing water loss through transpiration. This adaptation helps lemna thrive in their aquatic environment.

How are epidermis cells important to a leaf?

Epidermal cells are important to the leaf because depending on the climate that the plant resides within, the plant may create more than one epidermal layer. The purpose of this/these layer is to retain water, and some plants have a cuticle formed on the outside of the epidermis to prevent the loss of water too. In order to bring in CO2 from the air, leaves contain stoma which are essentially small pores in the lower epidermal layer that can open or close based on the plants needs. Guard cells on each side of stoma regulate gas exchange, as well as the loss of water.

Which structure is responsible for the opening and closing of stomata?

guard cells

How does the epidermis guard against harmful radiation?

Melanin is the dark pigmentation contained in skin. It is contained in melanocytes, which are the cells which produce melanin. The purpose of melanin is to filter out harmful radiation from the sun. Mostly it does not. The best way is to use a sunscreen with SPF of 30 or more.

Why dicot leaf is known as dorsiventral leaf?

Dicot leaf is also called dorsiventral leaf as it has both dorsal and ventral side with identifiable features. The protective layer is named as Epidermis and there is both upper and lower epidermis. In dorsiventral leafs the lower epidermis which is also called abaxial side will have more number of stomata compared to the adaxial side or upper epidermis. The gap between the two epidermis is termed as mesophyll and in dicot leaf we can see a differentiated mesophyll region. The region is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue. The region just below upper epidermis have elongated parenchyma cells with chlorophyll filled in and they are called Palisade tissues. This is the main reason behind dark green colour at upper side of a dicot leaf.

Where is epidermis present?

The living cells in the epidermis are located beneath the dead cells. Hope this helps!Yes but your skin shreds everyday so you may have layers of dead skin forming on the surface of your skin. We shred quite a lot of skin cells everyday but if you're talking about actual layers of skin in which blood runs through then yes, those cells are indeed alive . :)

What is the function of these epidermis onion cells?

The root cell's job is to gather minerals and and take it up the roots to the onion.

What happen if the epidermis is injured?

When the epidermis is slightly injured, new skin cells are formed to replace the ones that were lost in the damaged area. Your body works quickly and smartly to cover up that area before an infection may occur. If the epidermis is more than slightly injured, you should get some serious attention before an infection occurs. However, in both cases, your skin will eventually repair and makes repairs to the burned or hurt area of skin.

How does stomata open?

The stomata's function is to allow gas exchange with the surrounding air, so that the plant can intake carbon dioxide and oxygen. Stomatal opening is favored when there is plentiful water and moderate temperatures. Abscissic acid, a plant hormone, acts on the guard cells to open and close stomata. Some plants are even genetically engineered with a mutated era gene, which makes them more sensitive to abscissic acid and more prone to the opening and closing of guard cells. When guard cells are full of water, they stretch away from each other and the stomata are open. When guard cells are limp, they fall on each other and the stomata are closed. Potassium ions play a role in the opening and closing of stomata by changing the concentration of ions in the guard cells. When the potassium ions are in the guard cells, water also flows in the guard cells because of osmosis and the stomata open. When the potassium ions are out of the guard cells, water also flows out of the guard cells because of osmosis and the stomata close.