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Q: Why mangroves grow in marshy areas?
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there is not enough oxygen

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Where do you find mangroves?

Mangroves are various kinds of trees up to medium height and shrubs that grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and subtropics- mainly between latitude 25° N and 25° S.

Why do think only mangrove plant can grow in marshy area?

The marshy area provide very less amount of oxygen to the roots to respire. in mangrovbove the respiratory roots in the form of pneumatophores are present above the ground to get oxygen from the air. Hence mangrove plant grow well in marshy areas.

Are mangroves dogs?

Mangroves are not dogs. Mangroves are tropical trees that grow in brackish water.

Why is malaria more common in marshy areas?

Marshy areas are good places for mosquitoes to breed. Mosquito being the vector for malaria.

Where do mangroves grow and why?

marley smith does

Is sunflower a terrestrial plant?

Yes. All sunflowers grow on land, though a few species can tolerate marshy areas.

How do mangroves grow in swampy areas?

Mangroves grow on sheltered shores form dense forests on shorelines, riverbanks and estuaries. Mangroves are basically small trees and shrubs. These grow in tropical and subtropical tide lands almost all over the world. Tidal activity of gulfs, seas and oceans make it possible the growth of Mangroves as they are able to stand in salt water because of unique rooting structures and peculiarity in their reproduction.

Mangrove swamps annual temperature range?

i got this from Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce website; it said "Typically, mangroves occur in areas where the mean annual temperatures do not drop below 19 C."

What plants live in the Mangrove swamp?

I believe mangroves are tree like plants that have a giant system of roots which look like a tangled cave and generally grow around swamp areas.

why can't cactus grow in a marshy area?

Because a cactus can't grow in clayey soil and there is a lot of water in the marshes, the cactus does not need a lot of water