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Sexual reproduction joins two cells that each have half the total chromosome number.

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Jana Lockman

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Q: Why meiosis produce cells with fewer chromosomes?
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Why is it necessary for meiosis to produce with fewer chromosomes?

Meiosis is necessary for producing cells with fewer chromosomes because these are the cells that will form gametes which are the reproductive cells needed for sexual reproduction. During meiosis the number of chromosomes in the parent cell divides in half producing four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This halving of chromosomes is necessary for sexual reproduction to occur because when two gametes combine the resulting cell has a full set of chromosomes restoring the original chromosome number of the parent cell. Without meiosis sexual reproduction would not be possible.

What Animal or Organism Has 92 Chromosomes?

The lungfish is an organism that has 92 chromosomes. This number is unusually high compared to other organisms, which typically have fewer chromosomes.

Which correctly describes a difference between the male and female reproductive systems?

Females produce fewer gametes.

Studies of fat cells and thyroid cells show that fat cells have fewer mitochondria than thyroid cells A biologist would most likely infer that fat tissue?

is less metabolically active than thyroid tissue due to the lower number of mitochondria in fat cells. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration, so fewer mitochondria suggest lower energy production and metabolic activity.

What do you call a human cell with fewer or more than 46 chromosomes?

A human cell with fewer than 46 chromosomes is called a monosomy, and a human cell with more than 46 chromosomes is called a trisomy. These conditions can result in genetic disorders or abnormalities.

Related questions

Why does meiosis produced cells with fewer chromosomes?

Sexual reproduction joins two cells that each have half the total chromosome number.

Why is it necessary for meiosis to produces cells with fewer chromosomes?

If it did not, the chromosome number would double in each generation.

Why is it necessary for meiosis to produce with fewer chromosomes?

Meiosis is necessary for producing cells with fewer chromosomes because these are the cells that will form gametes which are the reproductive cells needed for sexual reproduction. During meiosis the number of chromosomes in the parent cell divides in half producing four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This halving of chromosomes is necessary for sexual reproduction to occur because when two gametes combine the resulting cell has a full set of chromosomes restoring the original chromosome number of the parent cell. Without meiosis sexual reproduction would not be possible.

Why is it necessary for sex cells to have fewer chromsomes then regular cells?

So that when the process of the child being made comes the child will still have 46 chromosomes.

Why do female and male sex cells have fewer chromosomes than the body cells?

The Y chromosome is found in males only. Females have XX chromosomes whereas males have XY chromosomes. That is why they are different, because an XY cannot be female and an XX cannot be male.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cells compared with the number of chromosomes in body cells?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cells compare with the numbers of chromosomes in body cells?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cells compared with the number of chromosomes in body cell?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cell compare with the number of chromosomes in body cells?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cells compare with the number of chromosomes in the body cell?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.

Why is it necessary for sex cells to have fewer the number of chromosomes regular cells?

The sex cells must combine with each other to make a whole. Each gamete starts out with half of the regular cell so that it can combine to make a whole. If they start out like somatic cells, the result will be double the chromosomes for the offspring.

How does the number of chromosomes in sex cell compare with the number of chromosomes in body cell?

Sex cells have 23 chromosomes compared to the body cells' 46 chromosomes. This is because a child is created from half the genome of its father and half the genome of its mother. In other words, 23 chromosomes in the mother's egg and 23 chromosomes in the father's sperm, when combined generate a child with 46 chromosomes in its body cells. However, sometimes mutations occur where more of fewer chromosomes are passed down, this will either result in no embryotic development or the embryo having some kind of syndrome.