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Q: Why men should not accuse woman of not delivering men children for them?
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Someone might accuse a white woman of being a black woman online if she is trying to pretend to be someone she is not.

Why did they accuse rebecca nurse?

Because she was a "strange" woman.

What if the women wants children but the man doesn't?

The woman should find a man who DOES want children.

What is the name of the song in GinTama that is played in the scene where Hasegawa calls Hatsu while a man is delivering a cake to her?

man delivering?! It was a woman and Gintoki was the driver... there was really no song on it but a woman's screaming voice and Gintoki's.

Which Utopian community believed that woman and children should be educated?

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How long should a man wait before introducing a new woman to his kids?

A man who has children and is dating a woman he likes should keep their private relationship (sexual relationship) outside of the man's house. Depending on how old the man's children are he could sit down and talk to his children about being lonely and needing some woman in his life; that he is not trying to replace their biological mother, but that doesn't make him or his ex wife love their children any less. After about six months when he is sure he really cares for this woman then he could slowly include his children and the new woman in his life by going to movies; picnics; camping, etc. This lets the children get to know her and if she is as nice as the man thinks there should be no problems. If the children are in their teens then man should bring her over for the occasional dinner or take her and the teens out to a restaurant for dinner.

What did you have to do to see a witch in medieval times?

In Medievel times, there were no such things as a Witch. To see a Witch, they would accuse a woman, and then they would burn her to see if she died. If she lived (no woman did), she was a witch.

Is it possible to have a successful marriage even if you cannot have children?

Certainly! A marriage does not equal man, woman, + children. Marriage = man + woman. Children are a result of marriage. You should still love each other like you did before children became a possibility. You can also look into adoption, surrogacy, and in vitro. Your marriage should not be dependent upon children you should still be in love with just the two of you and be able to make things work enen though plans have changed.

Should physicians discourage a 42 year old woman from having children because of an increased chance of a chromosomal abnormality?

yes they should

How many children a woman can have in maximum during her lifetime?

A woman can have at least 20 children

What did the woman accuse Emmett till for doing to her?

Bryant testified during the murder trial that he made sexual advances & asked for a date.

Can a healthy year old woman have a baby?

A health year old woman should not have children. As a matter of fact at a year old she is still a baby and should not engage in sexual intercourse for another 17+ years.