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Q: Why mercury considered as ideal thermometric liquid?
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Why a thermometer contain mercury not the other liquid?

because mercury has a very very cold freezing point which makes it ideal for measuring temperatures that you're likely to encounter on earth.

Which liquid has zero viscosity?

Ideal liquid has zero viscosity.

Why is LPG considered an ideal fuel?

For a comparison with methane see the link below. LPG is not considered as an ideal fuel, the ideal don't exist.

What kinds of obesity are there?

Twenty to forty percent over ideal weight is considered mildly obese; 40-100% over ideal weight is considered moderately obese; and 100% over ideal weight is considered severely, or morbidly, obese.

What was considered to be the ideal taste for pasta?

A subtle wheat flavor was considered the ideal taste for pasta, since blandness prevented the pasta noodle from competing with the flavor of the sauce. The ideal texture of pasta was obtained when it was cooked "al dente."

What does ideal mean?

Idealism is essentially creating or pursuing things that are unrealistic. Trying to stay young is a good example of idealism.

Do particles in a liquid move at the same pace?

No, but if the system is at equilibrium the speeds of all the molecules (assuming an ideal liquid) will be characterized by a Boltzman distribution.

Why was Southeast Texas considered ideal cattle country?

open land

Is mercury an ideal gas?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all rock planets. The more technical term is terrestrial planets and they are composed of almost entirely of rock and metal. Each has a tiny amount of atmospheric gas and Earth has a tiny amount of liquid water. The other four planets are the gas giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. That means they do not have a solid surface that is visible and much of the mass of the planet is the gaseous material. (All must have some small inner region consisting of rocky material, even if it is a tiny fraction of the mass that has been collected from stray asteroids.) The two gas giants closest to the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, are the two largest in the solar system with Jupiter the largest of all. Both are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. The outermost gas giants are called ice giants. Being colder, Uranus and Neptune have formed with substantial quantities of water, ammonium and methane with smaller amounts of hydrogen and helium in the outer regions. The water, ammonium and methane are solid at these temperatures, so the center of these planets is primarily frozen gasses with hydrogen and helium being predominant as an atmosphere.

What factors should be considered in assesing your ideal weight?

Your height, weight, and ancestors.

Why would a machine with 100 percent efficiency be considered an ideal machine?

No heat loss = maximum output. There would be no loss of energy, which is an ideal condition.

Where can one find a used Mercury Mountaineer in Syracuse NY?

The best place to find a used Mercury Mountaineer is to check with the local garages and auction dealers in Syracuse, NY. They are bound to have the ideal vehicle for you.