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Q: Why might Lincoln refer the audience to think about that particular year when they were burying soldiers who caught in the civil war?
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List of bataan death march survivors?

At the beginning of the book GHOST SOLDIERS by Hampton Sides, is a very long list.I'm not sure that it is it of the survivors, those who died during the march and the years in camps, or both. Either way, the book is well worth the very strong readthat it is.

How did Jonathan protect his bike during the civil war?

Civil Peace is a book written by Chinua Achebe and tells a story of civil war in Nigeria. In the story, Jonathan protects his bike during the civil war by burying it.

What does the name Custer mean?

The meaning of the name 'Custer' is SEXTON which is a person in a Church in charge of ringing the bell, looking after sacred utensils or objects, etc. and sometimes assists in the burying of the dead. Its origins have been traced back to the 16th Century Germany.

How did the development of nuclear weapons affect American society?

1945 marked the beginning of the Atomic Age for mankind. Not just for the United States, but for the whole world. Nuclear weapons led to to nuclear energy and a cold war. A cold war is a military stand-off between two nations. In this particular case, the cold war was a military stand-off between two NUCLEAR ARMED nations. The US & the rest of world were affected by the cold war, and atomic energy. Pros of nuclear energy: It is clean burning and lasts nearly forever (no need to refuel). Cons of nuclear (atomic) energy: ultimately there is a wasted product (by-product) that must be disposed of; and currently there is NO way of disposing of it, other than burying it somewhere. Secondly, the nuclear material that creates the atomic power is in itself a deadly poison. Third, all man made machines and systems are not perfect; sometimes they break...when an atomic plant has a malfunction, things can become serious (such as a nuclear meltdown). See Film:The China Syndrome, starring Jane Fonda.

Who made the first nuclear bomb made?

The United States, with its activities through the Manhattan Project in WW2, produced the first nuclear weapons. There were thousands of people on this project, from my grandfather working as a general construction worker at Hanford and totally baffled at the tons of perfectly good equipment the army kept dumping in trenches and burying (he was still baffled when I was a kid in the 1960s and it had long been publicly announced that Hanford had made the plutonium for the Nagasaki bomb), to J. R. Oppenheimer and Leslie R. Groves that managed the project. By the end of Operation Crossroads in the summer of 1946 at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, we had built a grand total of 9 devices, detonated 5 of them, leaving only 4 in "stockpile".