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Q: Why might Squeaky react to other people the way she does?
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There are a few ways narcissists react and deal with people who are rude or sarcastic. Sometimes they ignore the person, other times they react just as rudely or with sarcasm.

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People may experience shock, horror, and sadness when witnessing a stranger's death. Some may feel a sense of helplessness or trauma, while others may be motivated to offer assistance or intervene. The reaction can vary greatly depending on the individual's past experiences and coping mechanisms.

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Another monarch might have condemned Romeo to death.

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People react to his ideas because your mom was laid last night.

How do you be yourself around others?

I would suggest analyzing yourself and how you react to other people's presence. Do you find yourself stressed out or self conscious when you are around other people? You might want to do some self-inventory and discover the root of your discomfort with other people, then you can work on fixing your uneasy tendencies. Meanwhile, just try to ignore other people's influences and do what you want to do, not letting them pressure you (consciously or not) into behaving a way you are not comfortable with.

How do you become a nicer person?

Doing things for other people, complimenting others, listening & speaking without judgement, positive thinking and being empathetic. Apart of it can also be tolerating somethings, and unserstand how some people might react to something you did, or something that happens.