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they were happy

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Q: When Romans conquered other people they made them roman citizens. how did the people react?
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What religions were the Romans tolerant of and why?

The Romans required the conquered peoples to worship the Roman gods, although they were also free to worship their own gods as well. They made an exception to this requirement for Judaism because the Jews were monotheistic, and therefore could not worship other gods, and because of the perceived antiquity of Judaism. Early Christianity, until at least 90 CE, was seen as a sect of Judaism, to this privilege was extended to Christianity.

Why did Romans not use police and prisons?

The city of Rome did have a police force. It was created by Augustus. The Romans did have prisons. However, prisons sentences were very uncommon. The Romans had other types of punishments. The prison were used for those awaiting a trial or a death sentence.

What are some organizations against littering?

Some organizations against littering are people against litter and citizens against litter. There are other organizations such as anti-litter organizations, keep America beautiful, and litter heroes.

Why did the Romans use Roman numerals?

Roman numerals were the symbols developed by the Ancient Romans for counting and other numbering activities. The Romans used them because they developed them and that was what they knew. What do you use numbers for? They used them for the exact same things, instead of the kind of numbers we use, which are known as Arabic numerals.

What natural numbers?

Most United States citizens acquired citizenship by birth, but persons born in other countries may apply to become U.S. citizens. This process is called Naturalization

Related questions

Did the Greeks conquered the Romans?

No, it was the other way around. The Romans conquered the Greeks.

Why did the Romans allow the people they conquered to keep their religious beliefs?

The early Romans were polytheistic, and polytheism is naturally tolerant of other religions. In return, the Romans expected the conquered peoples to worship the Roman gods, but made an exception for Jews because of its perceived antiquity and the recognition that a monotheistic religion must forbid worship of other gods.

People conquered by the Romans were treated harshly true of or false?

depends. if they broke the rules, they were treated harshly, but other than that, they were treated fine.

What statement describes Rome's attitude towards people of different religions in the empire?

Ancient Romans let people to keep their own religions when they conquered new lands. That made the conquered people easier to adapt to the Roman culture. Romans built temples for their own gods in the provinces, but they let people to worship their original gods as well. Only after Christianity became the state religion, they started to keep other religions pagan and finally forbid them. Christianity was more intolerant than other religions before it.

What are Romans recruited from other countries called?

Romans were not recruited from their colonies (settlements) outside Italy because these colonies were settled mainly by retired soldiers. The recruits from the provinces (the name of the conquered territories) were locals and not Romans. They were called foederati (allies). The troops in which they fought were called auxiliaries because they supported the legions, which were composed of Roman citizens.

How did Romans feel about people who followed religions other the the Roman religion?

The Romans attempted to impose their state religion on the people they conquered. They obviously gave up doing this to the Jews and reached some sort of accommodation with the Jews. Originally they persecuted Christians, then the entire empire converted Christian. Romans also absorbed religions from other countries such as Greece, Egypt, and Persia. romans were tolerant of other religion as long as their followers were respectful of the roman religion

How did the Romans become friends with the people they conquered?

In ancient times, Rome's conquests of various peoples and societies were often quickly followed up with overtures towards friendship or at least tolerance. One method by which the Romans sought to make "friends" of conquered peoples was to allow them to continue to worship their own gods and practice many of their own customs. The Romans sometimes even added the gods of conquered peoples into their own religious practice and understanding. They also offered incentives for citizenship, based on military and other services provided by the conquered peoples.

How did the polices of the Muslims toward conquering lands compare with other empire builders such as Romans?

Like the Romans, the conquering Muslim respected the religions and customs of the conquered peoples.

How did Romans feel about people who followed religion other than theirs?

According to the legends .... they say that YOU NEED TO DO YOUR WORK AND STOP GOING TO ASK FOR THE ANSWERS !! :)

What is the significant of Romans road?

A road is a road. The Roman roads, like any other road, was used to get people, goods and troops from one point to another in an efficient and (hopefully) safe manner. They were one of the civilizing factors that the Romans brought to the areas that they conquered.

What is governments role when people threaten other citizens?

What is governments role when people threaten other citizens?

How did the policies of Muslim toward conquered lands compare with other empires such as the Romans?

Both were tolerant of local religions and customs.