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An example is when you are writing about something you do often (habit) and something you did in the past. eg

We usually go to the mountains for our holidays but this year we went to the beach.

go = present tense for a habit

went = past tense for something in the past.

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Because the sentence covers more than one time period (APEX)

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Q: Why might a writer mix verb tenses in one sentence?
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What is the past tense of writer?

Writer is a noun, not a verb. Only verbs have tenses.

The basic verb tenses are singular and plural?

Actually, the basic verb tenses are present, past, and future. Singular and plural refer to the number of subjects in a sentence, not the tenses of the verbs.

What are shifts in verb tense?

It is when a writer switches between tenses. For example, they might begin writing in the present tense but then they switch to writing in the past tense.

When does the verb tenses disagree?

The verb tenses disagree when they do not align in time or when they do not convey a consistent timeline in a sentence. This typically occurs when there is inconsistency between past, present, or future tenses within a sentence or when the sequence of events is unclear.

Decide whether or not the following sentence uses verb tenses correctly. The movie was terrible but we had a good time anyway.?

The verb tenses here are correct.

What does a verb consist of?

A verb consists of a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It is a critical element for conveying meaning and is often conjugated to reflect different tenses, moods, and voices in a sentence.

It is OK to mix verb tenses In one sentence when?

the sentence covers more than one time period.

A verb tenses are singular and plural?

Verb tenses do not have singular or plural forms; they convey actions that happened in the past, are happening in the present, or will happen in the future. The subject of the sentence determines whether the verb is singular or plural.

Is has a main verb?

No, "has" is an auxiliary verb. It is used to form various tenses (e.g., present perfect) and does not function as the main verb in a sentence.

When do you use have in a sentence?

Have can be a verb, or a form of have can be an auxiliary verb when forming the perfect tenses (I have gone to the store, I had opened the bottle, etc.).

A writer can occasionally shift his or her primary verb tense if the time frame of the event being written about requires it?

Yes, but in general it is better to stick either to the Present tenses, or to the Past tenses.

What words should be added to the sentence below in order to make the verb tenses agree?
