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Looking at history, there seem to be two primary reasons, almost always in combination: psychological and conflicts of interest.

Psychological: Humans normally react negatively to changes, especially changes in life style. Changes disrupt routines which people use to predict their future and to make decisions, both large and small.

Conflicts of interest: Individuals who are in control of the power structures are responsible for predicting the future and making decisions for others: as parents do for their children, religious leaders do for their congregations, business leaders do for the communities, or politicians do for citizens. These interests become conflicted when their power structures appear to be threatened. That is, when the benefits of the new technology can't be controlled and/or limited by those in power.

These psychological, social, religious, economic, and political conflicts result in detrimental impacts on individuals and communities, as well as their existing institutions and traditions.

Cumulative negative reactions can become intense enough to even result in the outright banning of a technology.

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Q: Why might advanced technology be negatively viewed in a developing country?
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