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Q: Why might geologists still consider mount Jefferson to be an active volcano?
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Why do geologists classify mount Fuji as active volcano?

Because they like cheese.

What is dourman volcano?

i think you mean "doormant". A dormant volcano is one that isn't currently active or erupting, but geologists think that it's still capable of erupting.

Describe the three stages in the life cycle of a volcano?

active- or live volcano is one that is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt in the near future dormant- volcano to awaken in the future and become active extinct- or dead volcano is unlikely to erupt again

What is dormant of a volcanic?

dormant volcano is one that isn't currently active or erupting, but geologists think that it's still capable of erupting. One of the best examples of a dormant volcano is Mauna Kea.

Is the composite volcano considered to be active dormant or extinct and why?

Most of the volcanoes in the world, including composite volcanoes, are considered active. Scientists consider any volcano that has erupted in the last 10,000 years active.

Is active or inactive volcano Taal Volcano?

taal volcano is ACTIVE

What is the classification of MtFuji?

Mount Fuji is classified as an active stratovolcano, which is also the highest peak in Japan. It is considered an iconic symbol of Japan and has a symmetrical cone shape.

What are the names of the most dangerous volcano?

a active volcano

How many active volcano are in US?

There are 65 volcanoes in the United States and its territories that scientists consider active, including Mount St. Helens.

which of the characteristic of active volcano?

An active volcano is a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years. An active volcano might be erupting or dormant. An erupting volcano is an active volcano that is having an eruption... A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again.

Why are volcanoes called active even though they have not erupted in years?

because there no episode14 in sword art online

Is Muana Kea an active volcano or a dormant volcano?

it is active