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Because they think of wht happen and wht to forget. And when they get high they think they forget about there problems . But it doesn't , it just makes them think they don't care about anything .

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Q: Why might inhalant abuse be an easier way for kids to get high?
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What is it called when you sniff paint thinner or glue to get high?

Inhalant abuse.

How long does an inhalant high last for?

a few minutes

Is second hand smoke classified as an inhalant?

No. An inhalant is a vapor or mist drawn into the lungs for absorption. It can be something beneficial like a steroidal asthma inhaler, or something illicit such a breathing solvent vapors to get high.

Why is it dangerous to breathe in fumes from glue?

Glue poisoning can occur when someone intentionally breathes in glue fumes (huffing) in an attempt to get "high." Death from inhalant abuse can occur after a single use or after prolonged use. Sudden sniffing death (SSD) may result within minutes of inhalant abuse from irregular heart rhythm leading to heart failure. Other causes of death include asphyxiation, aspiration, or suffocation. A user who is suffering from impaired judgment may also experience fatal injuries from motor vehicle accidents or sudden falls.

How do people huff?

Inhalant abuse (commonly called "huffing") is the intentional inhalation of chemical vapors to attain a mental "high" or euphoric effect. A wide variety of substances, including many common household products, are abused by inhalers. Unless you meant for a person to exhale loudly.

How does child abuse affect a child's mind?

Child abuse affects a way the child thinks and acts. If a child was abused, for example hit multiple times, every time someone raises a hand(for a high five or something) they might twitch or something. Their ideas, thoughts, and dreams might be affected. Bad dreams, terrible thoughts, and they might think abuse is okay and abuse other people.

What are some tools you have today that might make a cowboy's or cowgirl's job easier?

they have high techgloy now

What Percentage of women do not leave abusive men?

Answer The exact percentage isn't known as many women don't report abuse, but from the many questions on here regarding abuse, one might say the figure is quite high.

When did inhalant drugs originate?

An inhalant is a substance (glue, gasoline) that is breathed, intentionally or not, to get high. sometimes they are put in a bag and sniffed (huffing, sniffing, or bagging)inhalants change the way you act and can harm your brain cells BAD4U

What does it mean to be spaced?

'To be spaced' might refer to 'being spaced out'. Which often means someone is high from a kind of substance abuse, or just in a total state of confusion.

A Substance that is sniffed to get high from fumes?

There are various solvents and other chemicals that produce psychoactive effects when their vapors are inhaled. These include alkyl nitrites, also known as poppers.

Is it harmful to inhale white out?

White Out Correction Fluid does contain ingredients that may cause a person to get dizzy, lightheaded, or experience a "high". The amount that it would take to feel any effects varies, but using inhalants to get high is very dangerous. If you are using White Out or any kind of inhalant to get high, I suggest you to stop immediately. Along with the feeling of being high, there are dangerous side effects to using inhalants. Some common signs and symptoms of inhalant abuse include slurred speech, confusion, muscle tremors, visual disturbances, hallucinations, severe headaches, and convulsions. Long-term use of inhalants can cause chronic fatigue, weight loss, permanent nervous system damage, liver damage, kidney damage, toxicity to blood and bone marrow. These are all really good reasons to stop.