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Magnesium powder has a larger surface area, depending on quantity it may react too quickly, whereas with a ribbon the temperature change is slower and therefore easier to record and monitor the rate of reaction.

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2w ago

Magnesium metal reacts more vigorously with hydrochloric acid than copper metal, resulting in a more noticeable change in reaction rate. This makes it easier to observe the effect of concentration on reaction rates. Additionally, magnesium is less expensive and more readily available than copper.

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13y ago

Magnesium is highly reactive and so will react at a noticeable rate.

Copper is relatively uncreative and so will not react appreciably.

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Q: Why might magnesium metal rather than copper metal be used to study the effect of concentration of hydrochloric acid on rates of reactions?
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What metal is most reactive with hydrochloric acid out of magnesium and copper?

Magnesium is more reactive with hydrochloric acid compared to copper. When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it produces hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride, while copper does not readily react with hydrochloric acid.

What would happen if you diluted magnesium and copper with hydrochloric acid?

When magnesium is diluted with hydrochloric acid, it will react to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. The reaction with copper and hydrochloric acid will not occur unless the copper is in a powdered form, as the acid cannot penetrate the protective oxide layer on the surface of solid copper. If powdered copper is used, it will react with hydrochloric acid to form copper chloride and hydrogen gas.

Suggest why magnesium chloride can be made by mixing magnesium with hydrochloric acid but copper chloride cannot be made by mixing copper with hydrochloric acid?

Copper is an inert metal and below hydrogen in electro chemical series therefore can not displaced hydrogen from acids so copper can not be converted directly to salts by reacting with acids, however concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with copper on heating in presence of atmospheric oxygen forming the copper sulphate, chlorides and other salts are prepared from its sulphate salt.

Why is magnesium most reactive if it reacts with hydrochloric acid among lead copper silver zinc iron?

Magnesium is more reactive than lead, copper, silver, zinc, and iron because it has a higher tendency to lose electrons and form magnesium ions. When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it displaces hydrogen from the acid to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. This reaction is more vigorous compared to the reactions of the other metals mentioned.

Displacement word equation for magnesium and copper sulphate?

Magnesium + Copper(II) sulfate -> Magnesium sulfate + Copper This balanced equation represents the displacement reaction between magnesium and copper sulfate, where magnesium replaces copper in the compound to form magnesium sulfate while copper is displaced.

Related questions

What metal is most reactive with hydrochloric acid out of magnesium and copper?

Magnesium is more reactive with hydrochloric acid compared to copper. When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it produces hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride, while copper does not readily react with hydrochloric acid.

The differences in the reactions of potassium magnesium and copper with water?

Potassium reacts vigorously with water, producing hydrogen gas and forming potassium hydroxide. Magnesium reacts slowly with water, liberating hydrogen gas and forming magnesium hydroxide. Copper does not react with water at room temperature due to its low reactivity with water molecules.

What would happen if you diluted magnesium and copper with hydrochloric acid?

When magnesium is diluted with hydrochloric acid, it will react to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. The reaction with copper and hydrochloric acid will not occur unless the copper is in a powdered form, as the acid cannot penetrate the protective oxide layer on the surface of solid copper. If powdered copper is used, it will react with hydrochloric acid to form copper chloride and hydrogen gas.

What are some metal reactions?

copper sulphate plus hydrochloric acid

Why copper wire is appropriate choice to secure magnesium strip?

Copper can't be dessolved by the hydrochloric acid.

What catalysts to use for reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

A common catalyst used for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid is platinum metal in the form of platinum black. This catalyst helps to increase the rate of the reaction by providing a surface for the reactants to interact. Alternatively, no catalyst is typically needed for this reaction as it occurs spontaneously at room temperature.

What do you get when you mix copper carbonate and hydrocloric acid?

Most probably copper chloride and carbon dioxide, if the concentration of hydrochloric acid is high enough.

What does magnesium and copper oxide make?

When magnesium is heated with copper oxide, it forms magnesium oxide and copper. The reaction can be represented as: Mg + CuO → MgO + Cu

Suggest why magnesium chloride can be made by mixing magnesium with hydrochloric acid but copper chloride cannot be made by mixing copper with hydrochloric acid?

Copper is an inert metal and below hydrogen in electro chemical series therefore can not displaced hydrogen from acids so copper can not be converted directly to salts by reacting with acids, however concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with copper on heating in presence of atmospheric oxygen forming the copper sulphate, chlorides and other salts are prepared from its sulphate salt.

Why is magnesium most reactive if it reacts with hydrochloric acid among lead copper silver zinc iron?

Magnesium is more reactive than lead, copper, silver, zinc, and iron because it has a higher tendency to lose electrons and form magnesium ions. When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it displaces hydrogen from the acid to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. This reaction is more vigorous compared to the reactions of the other metals mentioned.

Why does magnesium and copper sulfate react?

When magnesium metal is added to a solution of copper sulfate, a displacement reaction occurs where magnesium replaces copper in the compound. This is because magnesium is more reactive than copper. As a result, magnesium sulfate is formed, while solid copper is deposited as a residue.

Why does copper sulfate solution turn clear and magnesium develop a copper coating?

Redox! The magnesium is reducing the copper while the copper is oxidizing the magnesium. In other words, magnesium is giving electrons to the copper to bring the copper back to its metallic form while the magnesium is leaving the metal to be part of the solution as magnesium sulfate, which is colorless.