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Equitable and fair distribution of resources, when it comes to food and land, is easier for vegetarians as less land and resources are needed to raise vegetarian food.

If you are concerned about the environment, then being a vegetarian is one of the best things you can do--you will contribute less pollution to the environment.

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Q: Why might someone become a vegetarian because of political reasons?
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What reasons make a person decide to be a vegetarian?

wow, someone's bored. they oppose animal cruelty and don't like killing animals. Some make that choice for health, some for cultural reasons and a few because of religious convictions.

Why does someone take up a vegetarian diet?

There are different reasons for it. Some may go vegetarian out of a love of animals, others for health reasons (cutting down on fats, avoiding artificial hormones given to animals, etc.), some for economic reasons. (Benjamin Franklin initially followed a vegetarian diet because it was cheaper than eating meat, and stayed with it because of its health benefits.) A few go vegetarian as a protest against "factory farming", and the way animals are treated in modern food-production techniques. Some people experiment with vegetarian diets just to see the difference the change makes in their lives. They may stay with it, or not. A very few people go vegetarian because they'll follow any fad or unconventional practice, or to spite the meat-eating people in their lives.

What is the word that means murdering someone for political reasons?

I think it's assassination.

How do you get a Vegetarian?

What do you mean 'get' a vegetarian??If you mean become one or what is a vegetarian it means someone who doesn't eat meat.

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What name is given to someone who leaves their country for political reasons?

To defect. Or the process of defecting. Snowfreeze

What do you call someone who lives on just fruit?

It would sort of be a vegetarian because there is no other word to call it

Someone who eats no meat is?

(: a vegetarian :)

What do you call someone who is herbivorous?

A vegetarian...

What is a person who doesn't eat beef or pork?

Some people refuse to eat meat because of religious obligations; others choose not to for health reasons or because they have a moral objection to having other creatures killed so that they can eat. It's possible to be healthy and get all of the nutrients your body needs from both vegetarian/vegan and standard diets; whether someone chooses to eat meat or not is a personal choice.

Why someone reject person?

A person can reject someone for different reasons. A person reject someone because they do not like the other people or because they like someone else.

Why is the pope guarded so well?

As with any public figure, especially someone as controversial as a Catholic pope, there is always someone who wants to see that person dead. Sometimes it is for political reasons, for religious reasons or simply to gain notoriety.