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Q: Why might the British want to be able to control the Nigeria river?
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What nation controlled the area around the mouth of the Niger River?

Great Britain controlled the area around the mouth of the Niger River when Nigeria was a part of the British Empire. Since 1960, the Niger Delta has been under control of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

How did England tighten its grip on Nigeria?

By gaining control of the Niger River

How did Nigeria get its name?

Nigeria got its name from the Niger River that flows through it. Nigeria is one of the largest nations in Africa. It is more than twice the size of California. In the 1890's, a British reporter named Flora Shaw suggested that the country be named 'Nigeria' after the Niger River.

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Why is Nigeria called Nigeria who named it?

The name Nigeria was taken from the Niger River running through the country. This name was coined by Flora Shaw, the future wife of Baron Lugard, a British colonial administrator, in the late 19th century.

What is the name of the largest river in Nigeria?

The Niger River is the longest river in Nigeria. It is also the third longest river in Africa.

Why did the british want to control the Hudson river?

because the british wanted to cut of New England

What great river is in Nigeria?

Niger River The two major rivers in Nigeria are the Niger, and the Benue.

What is the greatest river of nigeria?

The River Niger.

What river is the great river in Nigeria?

Niger River.

Why is nigeria called nigeria?

a journalist went down Niger river and named the place nigeria

What is the meaning of the name Nigeria?

The name "Nigeria" is difficult to define, because it's not a historical name.Nigeria was originally a made-up name, Niger-Area, used in British newspaper, The Times, in 1897 to describe the River Niger.Later, Niger-Area became Nigeria and the name officially stuck, becoming the name of the actual country, Nigeria.So, in summary, the name Nigeria was "invented" by a British newspaper.However, there are some traits to people with the name Nigeria. They are:- You are very idealistic and generous.- You have the strong desire to uplift humanity and help or serve others.- You want to look after people, but you can sometimes become too involved and worry.- You have a natural desire to express yourself artistically and musically.- You desire a settled family life rather than a hectic lifestyle.- You can sometimes experience emotional intensity which is hard to control.