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the animals have less nutrients.

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Q: Why might the animals in a bay be affected by large numbers of dead algae?
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The mean is the measure of central tendency that is most affected by a few large or small numbers. The median is more robust for extreme values.

How the tsunami affected the animals on Thailand?

The tsunami had effected animals by leaving them homeless,sick,injured,hungry etc.On the south of Thailand that is were most animals were badly hit.Wild animals,were hit bad by the large waves that is how the tsunami affected the animals on Thailand.:-)

What role do algae play in this food web bets?

Algae, a microrganism (a tiny organism) serves as food for small aquantic creatures such as krill and shrimp, and these small organisms serve as food for larger animals such as whales and manitees. Basically, algae serves as food for small animals, and these animals serve as food for large animals, which keeps the food chain balanced, with the provider, in this case the algae, at the bottom, and the primary (manitees) and secondary (whales) consumers are at the middle and the top.

What are the small organisms and large organisms?

Small sized animals need less food as compared to large sized animals. A field of plants can support more numbers of small animals as compared to large sized animals which need more food, it is why smaller animals are numerous .

What happens to the concentration of oxygen over time?

Before the algae evolved, the oxygen % in the air was only a few%. After the algae, the % grew to over 20%. Which is why in the Carboniferous had giant plants and some large animals. Since then, the oxygen % of the air has diminished.

Is algae a plant or an animal?

Actually, it depends on the specific type of algae. Some are plants, but most algae is neither plant nor animal. It is a bacterium - a large, single-celled organism. or Algae (Seaweed ) is an autotrophic organism. An autotroph is an organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light ( photosynthesis ) or inorganic chemical reactions.

What insects mostly affects ampalaya?

Ampalaya is a type of vegetation. This plant is mostly affected by the locust when they are present in large numbers.

Do tornadoes change populations or species?

On the local scale tornadoes can kill large numbers of animals.

How large can brown algae be?

27 inches

What part of the large algae that takes the place of roots and anchors to the ocean floors?

Holdfasts anchor large algae to the ocean floor. They substitute for roots:)

How does the whale fit into the web of life?

Large whales such as the baleen whales, (Humpback, Blue Whales, etc.) feed on krill, which in turn feed on algae. Say these whales were to become extinct, then there would be a large population of krill. All the krill would eat the algae, and may cause starvation for other animals. Also, algae in the ocean provides most of our oxygen, so this in turn can cause problems for humanity.

What is the effect of global warming on fish production?

This is my opinion of course but I think you will see an increase in the availability of fish. warmer water means areas uninhabitable before will now be swarming with life, increased co2 will be absorbed by the algae in the ocean making even more algae ( phytoplankton ) the animals that feed on it will be more plentiful ( zooplankton and large mammals ) thus making every animal up the food chains numbers increase.