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a molecules are made of atoms

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Q: Why molecules are independently exist but why not atom?
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Can atom not exist independently?

yes it just will find a group eventually

Does Fluorine Form Molecules or Crystal lattices or exist as a single atom?

Fluorine Form Molecules or Crystal lattices or exist as a single atom.

Which is capable of independent existence an atom or molecule?

Atoms of most elements are not able to exist independently. Atoms form molecules or ions aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see. Molecule is capable of independent existence.

How do you know the presence of an atom even if they do not occur independently as element?

Atom join in different way to form matter(neutral molecules or ion) that we are able to touch, feel and see.

Why can't all atoms exist independently while all molecules exist independently?

Many atoms have electron configurations that are unstable. By sharing electrons with one or more other atoms, new, more stable electron configurations form.

Can unicellular organisms exist independently?

Yes, single-celled organisms can exist independently.

Are hydrogen and oxygen polymers?

No, they are elements that usually exist as diatomic (two-atom) molecules in their elemental form.

How many atoms oxygen?

Oxygen typically consists of two-atom molecules (O2) but can also exist in a monatomic (single atom) state or as a three-atom molecule (O3) called ozone.

What bacteria does NOT move independently?

no exist,all bacterias can move independently

Does Hydrogen and oxygen exist naturally as three-atom molecules?

Hydrogen can't exist as a three-atom single-element molecule no matter what you do to it - it has only one bonding site. If you stick an atom with two bonding sites between the hydrogen atoms you can pull it off, but this isn't a question about water. Oxygen can naturally exist as a three-atom molecule - it's ozone.

Does one kind of atom makes up a molecule?

Though some molecules are made up from a single element, many of the molecules exist aren't from a single element.

Do all element exist as atom?

If you mean do the exist as single atoms, no. Some can exist as molecules. Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine usually exist as the diatomic molecules H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2 respectively. Oxygen can also exist as O3. Phosphorus can exist as P4 and arsenic as As4. Sulfur is usually found as S8. Carbon can exist as C60 and a variety of similar molecules.